The Data Protection Act controls how your
personal information is used by
organisations, businesses or the government.
Everyone responsible for using data
has to follow strict rules called ‘data
protection principles’
It needs to be used fairly
and lawfully
It cannot be kept longer than
absolutely necessary.
It needs to be kept
safe and secured
You must make sure the information is
handled according to people's data
protection rights
The Data Protection Act gives you the
right to find out what information the
government and other organisations
stores about you.
There are some situations when organisations are
allowed to withhold information, eg if the
information’s about: the prevention, detection or
investigation of a crime national security or the
armed forces the assessment or collection of tax
judicial or ministerial appointments.
Some organisations may charge you for
providing the information. The cost is
usually no more than £10 but it can be more
if the information is contained within
either: certain types of records, eg health or
education records a large number of paper
records held in an unstructured way by a
public authority