In 1949, they were elected with 31% of
the vote. By 1957, they had 50.2% of
the vote - an overall majority
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was respected by the people for not
having an 'inferiority complex' towards the West. He promised a
strong economy and good Western relations - but not reunification
There were 12 parties in the Bundestag
after the first election. People were
worried about political fragmentation, as
happened to the Weimar Republic...
So there was a rule that a party had
to have at least 5% of the vote to
have a seat in the Bundestag
Anti-democratic parties
such as the Socialist
Reich party were
About 50% of Germans were
Catholics, so the Christian CDU
appealed to them.
However, the party was kept
ecumenical (not specifically one
Christian denomination) to have a
wider appeal
This meant they
appealed to refugees
and former Nazi party
Grants given to the Lander to rebuild after
the bombing - 4 million new houses by 1957
Aid for refugees - Alliance of Expellees
and Disenfranchised Persons
110.4 billion DM given to victims of Nazi
atrocities and bombing campaigns
1957 pensions act - 75% pensions increase
Creation of the Bundeswehr - a
standing army of 'civilians in uniform'
Reviewed by Parliamentary Chief
Commissioner to ensure that it
couldn't become politically influential
Bonn Conventions signed 1957
made FRG a sovereign state
Why was
Adenauer so
Was in power during a
successful period -
seemed to be a safe
Campaigned with the phrase, 'Keine
experimente!' (No experiments)
People didn't mind that
he'd been in power for
so long - 60% said
they would rather have
a stable income than
all democratic
Weakness of opposition
Left-wing parties were looked down
of because of the Cold War - KPD
had only 2.2% of the vote in 1953
SPD claimed that Adenauer would be a failure -
when he wasn't, they had nothing to argue!
Put reunification at the top
of their agenda - unrealistic
Hard to appeal to the working
classes as the country became
more affluent and middle class
SPD had internal divisions
over rearmament
SPD leader Schumacher's
successor, Ollenhauer, was
Attitude towards former Nazis
Allowed some eg Hans Globke into office to
make use of their political talents
1951 reinstatement act gave
former Nazi civil servants their
jobs back
In the 1950s, possibly as
many as 80% of officials
had a Nazi past
But admitted Germany's guilt; gave 100 billion DM compensation to Israel
The Economic Miracle
The Social Market Economy
Little state intervention to allow
markets to operate freely
Only as much
regulation as
necessary - some in
food, transport, raw
materials, housing
State job-creation eg tax
incentives to persuade
private construction
companies to make houses
Created housing
and employment
Collective Bargaining In Industrial
Relations Act - a policy of
Co-Determination where workers
were involved in decision-making
By 1951 all coal and
steel stock companies
had worker
representation at a
managerial level
Currency Reform 1948 - led to more
confidence in the economy's stability
and investment
Korean War stimulated industry -
mechanical engineering output
doubled 1950-52
Until 1956, FRG had no army so
didn't have to spend money on
the military
Industrial infrastructure
mostly unharmed by bombing
Many natural resources
Skilled workers
emigrated from GDR
'Guest workers' from Southern Europe
formed 10% of workforce - cheap to
employ with low welfare costs
through 1950s
Low strike rate
Trade unions made
modest wage demands
One union per industry rule
created a feeling of 'social
Five-day week
More spending on
social welfare - living
standards increased
Equalisation of Burdens Law
levied taxes on the rich -
funded settlement of 10
million refugees and
pensions increases
Anti-Trust law of 1957
abolished monopolies
8% growth rate through 1950s
Between 1950s-70s, average income of a
household increased 400%
More people could afford luxuries like cars, TVs, fridges
'Two thirds' society -
higher gap between rich
and poor
'Chancellor Democracy' - Adenauer's long term could
be seen as undemocratic, almost like a dictatorship
Loopholes in the law allowed big businesses to
flourish at the expense of smaller ones