Teachers in Finland spend fewer hours at school each day and spend less time in
classrooms than American teachers. Teachers use the extra time to build curriculums
and assess their students. Children spend far more time playing outside, even in the
depths of winter. Homework is minimal. Compulsory schooling does not begin until age 7.
“We have no hurry,” said Louhivuori. “Children learn better when they are ready. Why
stress them out?”
“We prepare children to learn how to learn, not how to take a test,”
Same teacher during whole school program “It’s a good system. I can make
strong connections with the children,” “I understand who they are.”
Besides Finnish, math and science, the first graders take music, art, sports, religion
and textile handcrafts. English begins in third grade, Swedish in fourth. By fifth grade
the children have added biology, geography, history, physics and chemistry.
No standardised test: “It’s nonsense. We know much more about the children than
these tests can tell us.”
Teachers are professionals selected from the top 10 percent of the nation’s graduates
to earn a required master’s degree in education. every teacher must earn a fifth-year
master’s degree in theory and practice at one of eight state universities—at state
expense. From then on, teachers were effectively granted equal status with doctors
and lawyers. Applicants began flooding teaching programs, not because the salaries
were so high but because autonomy and respect made the job attractive.
Children with learning disabilities are mixed with the general education children.
Work outside with kids and have 15 min breaks inbetween lessons, always outside even in winter
The teachers help each other and learn from each other: "It is cooperative teaching at its best,”
Public schools would be organized into one system of comprehensive schools, or
peruskoulu, for ages 7 through 16. Teachers from all over the nation contributed to a
national curriculum that provided guidelines, not prescriptions. Besides Finnish and
Swedish (the country’s second official language), children would learn a third language
(English is a favorite) usually beginning at age 9.
All children—clever or less so—were to be taught in the same classrooms, with lots of
special teacher help available to make sure no child really would be left behind. The
inspectorate closed its doors in the early ’90s, turning accountability and inspection over
to teachers and principals. “We have our own motivation to succeed because we love
the work,” said Louhivuori. “Our incentives come from inside.”
Government only provided standard guidelines, but teachers have complete
freedom to teach their class as they want to better suit the needs of their group
50% less time teaching time than US, but instead, spend that time to
prepare curiculum, working with parents, consulting students
Youtube - tedx
make blended classrooms, where children are divided into 4 groups: 1 learns individually
on pc, 1 do interaction learning with teacher, 1 applies things learned in group works or
projects, 1 do online assesments and these groups are constantly rotated
Learn more if continous assesment rather than final exams
No one has ever changed the world, by doing what the world has told them to do
Find a way such that the creativity of children remains intact even when they go
to school, school is making children less creative because it tells them to follow a
certain path, a certain sequence that is imposed
1 lecture during night, homework during day: during day let students ask questions to teachers, more like a tutoring session and make 1 great video of teaching seen by all that are interested
2 open book open note all the time: don't memorize things 3 access to any course any time anywhere in the world: no imposed order of teaching 4: precise focused education instead of
mass batch stuff: make education more personalised for each kid 5 no MCQ were only made to make easy to correct, but now computers are smarter than that -> measure experience
instead of test scores, because experience is all what we really care about 7 cooperation instead of isolation 8 teacher becomes coach 9 lifelong learning with work beginning earlier in your life
=> great performance in schools doesn't lead to happiness and success + don't do like everyone else, let kids learn by themselves, by doing, by letting them fail to learn, to be creative
Education must always be linked to happiness, healty and creative one
day per week outside learning to survive in nature, show why to be
good at math, why to be creative by going to businesses and discover
that cooperate
If you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original and kids become frightened to be wrong when they become adults. at school a
mistake is the worst thing you can do => we are educating people out of their creative capacities. In every school maths and science are more important than
human sciences than art. Why not dance every day in front of the class? Education system was created to fill needs of industrialism, so putted most useful
subjects of that time at top. Now degrees are becoming worthless. We know 3 things about intelligence: 1 it's diverse 2 it's dynamic (connecting things) 3 it's
education dislocate people from their natural talents. Education always teaches
linearity, but life is not linear! Humanity depends on a diversity of talents, not a
single set of talents. => linearity thing is a problem. Other problem is conformity,
we have built our education systems on the model of fast food (where everything
is standardized). It's about passion! Education must feed the passion of the
people. We have to move to model based on agriculture: it's an organic model, only
thing you can do is create the conditions under which they can flourish, but cannot
predict it. => need to customize and personalize it to the people you're teaching.
Creating a movement in education where people create their own solution with the
support of other people.