problems with the Weirmar government


GCSE History (Germany) Mind Map on problems with the Weirmar government, created by fliss.eyre2124 on 29/01/2014.
Mind Map by fliss.eyre2124, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by katie.h about 11 years ago
Copied by fliss.eyre2124 about 11 years ago
Copied by fliss.eyre2124 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

problems with the Weirmar government
  1. armed revolts
    1. kapp putch
      1. opposition- communists
        1. leader- DR wolfgang kapp
          1. march 1920
            1. set up new gov but general strike stopped them from taking over
              1. army refused to attack
              2. right-wing
              3. the spartacist
                1. leader- Rosa Luxemburg was a communist
                  1. january 1919
                    1. 50000 rebelled in berlin
                      1. they siezed headquators of gov newspaper and telegraph bureau
                    2. treaty of versailles
                      1. german people heated it
                      2. economic problems
                        1. hyperinflation
                          1. political problems
                            1. stab in the back myth
                              1. could of won war but told they were losing
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