components that influence your health in sport


Mind Map on components that influence your health in sport, created by oliviakbarber on 30/01/2014.
Mind Map by oliviakbarber, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by oliviakbarber almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

components that influence your health in sport
  1. smoking
    1. long term can cause greater risk of developing serious desieses eg. cancer, heart desiese. a medically proven danger. each packet must contain a Government health warning on it.
    2. drugs
      1. includes: illegal drugs eg. heroin, marijuana. many sports players are tempted to take these.
        1. all are chemical substances that alter the biochemical system once entering the body.
          1. should only be used when subscribed by a doctor.
          2. alcohol
            1. short term = drunkness
              1. long term = damage to liver, muscles, heart. causes mental illness & damge to immune system.
              2. sex education
                1. deals with - physical, emotional and social aspects of an indaviduals growth.
                2. family life
                  1. value and importance of a supportive family
                  2. safety
                    1. in different places (including at home, on roads, at school and work & in leisure activities)
                    2. health related exercise & the importance of exercise
                      1. nutrition
                        1. health and diet
                        2. personal hygiene
                          1. focussing on personal cleaness, avoidance of desiese and social considerations
                            1. washing regulary - eg. after sport
                              1. cleanliness - clean kit needs to be washed very often
                            2. environmental aspects
                              1. social factors
                                1. physical factors
                                  1. economic factors
                                  2. psychological aspects
                                    1. mental health
                                      1. stress
                                        1. emotional wellbeing
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