Weimar government 1919-1923 ish


History (Germany) Mind Map on Weimar government 1919-1923 ish, created by willcrangle on 30/01/2014.
Mind Map by willcrangle, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by elliemayxx almost 11 years ago
Copied by willcrangle almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Weimar government 1919-1923 ish
  1. Missing reparation payment
    1. french occupiation of Rhur
      1. Passive resistance
        1. Hyperinflation
          1. money = worthless
            1. starvation
    2. The Munich Putch
      1. Hitler marched into a Bar near to the Hopfbrough house in Munich and held everyone captive.
        1. Three Men asked Ludendorf to phone their wives but they phoned the police.
          1. Police Attacked the Nazis
            1. 16 Nazis died
      2. Treaty of Versailles
        1. Signed on the 18th July 1919
          1. Army
            1. only 100,000 men in army
              1. no airforce
                1. no submarines
                  1. 6 battleships
                    1. germans were proud of their army


                      • These cutbacks made the German people feel weak. Being very pateriotic 
                    2. war guilt
                      1. responsible for all damage of war


                        • Wasn't, much like the English the Germans were brought in by other country's
                      2. Reparations
                        1. 132 billion gold marks
                        2. Land
                          1. lost
                            1. The Saar
                              1. lost to the French
                                1. Coal fields
                                2. Alsace-Lorraine
                                  1. Returned to the french
                                  2. Polish corridor
                                    1. Rich Farmland
                                      1. Given to the polish
                                    2. Germany Forbidden from uniting with Austria
                                  3. made the weimar government unpopular
                                  4. Stressemann
                                    1. The great coalition
                                      1. 1923
                                        1. Ended passive resistance


                                          • German people hated giving in to the French 
                                          1. Unpopular
                                        2. 1926-joined league of nations
                                          1. Job Centers
                                          2. Dawes plan
                                            1. to lend Germany 200 gold marks
                                              1. to improve industry in germany
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


                                            Early problems for Weimar up to 1923
                                            The rise of the nazi party and its consolidation of power, 1929-34
                                            Germany Flash cards 1919-1923
                                            problems with the Weirmar government_1
                                            Problems for the Weimar Government
                                            problems with the Weirmar government
                                            how problems of 1923 were solved
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