PCT Techniques


Counselling (Person Centred Counselling) Mind Map on PCT Techniques, created by jomitchell202 on 01/02/2014.
Mind Map by jomitchell202, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jomitchell202 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

PCT Techniques
  1. Provide orientation
    1. Counsellor & client get ready for session
    2. Affirm attention
      1. Letting client know you're present & listening
        1. Affirming verbals & non-verbals
      2. Seeking clarification
        1. Checking understanding
        2. Empathy
          1. Empathic responses
            1. Express client's feelings
          2. Restating
            1. Reflecting & Paraphrasing
            2. Effective questions
              1. Open/Direct
                1. Further exploration
              2. Provide reassurance
                1. E.g. holding of hands
                  1. Not strictly PCT but use if needed - more important to be human than to adhere strictly to model
                2. Focusing
                  1. When presented with lots of issues
                    1. Encourage client to identify which issue is most pressing
                  2. Challenging
                    1. When client is avoiding difficult or painful issue
                      1. Identifying a theme from the unspoken & reflect back
                    2. Transference
                      1. Client generates feeling in Counsellor
                      2. Immediacy
                        1. Owning feeling of transference from client
                          1. Asking how it is for client
                        2. Awareness of boundaries
                          1. Competence
                            1. Referrals
                          2. Turn pleas for help back to client
                            1. Maintaining & breaking silences
                              1. Self disclosure
                                1. Accepting corrections
                                  1. Accept, try again to get it right, move on
                                  2. Interpreting
                                    1. Venture beyond information immediately offered by client
                                      1. Rare - not strictly PCT but use if needed - more important to be human than to adhere strictly to model
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