
Geography (SUPERPOWERS) Mind Map on INDIRECT CONTROL/NEO-COLONIALISM, created by beth.nightingale on 21/04/2013.
Mind Map by beth.nightingale, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beth.nightingale over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Argument that direct colonial rule has been replaced with indirect neo-colonialism
    1. why?
      1. Developed countries want political influence and to support their businesses
        1. TNCs want to develop competitive advantage by exploiting resources or workers
          1. International Organisations increase their influence through unsustainable loans, structural adjustment policies and trade barriers
            1. SAPs = IMF or World Bank plans to help countries to develop economically with privatisation of services. contracts won by MEDC businesses
              1. eg water supply - privatisation in Bolivia -
                1. improved infrastructure and supply but companies work for profit (AguadelTunari 16% profit) quarter of peoples income goes on water
        2. Arguments against neo-colonialism
          1. many developing countries have internal political/religious/war issues eg Sudan, Zaire (now DR of Congo)
            1. Sudan is a known source of human trafficking for both forced labor, sexual exploitation and child soldiers
              1. ongoing conflict between the Sudanese government and the rebel groups within Darfur
                1. As of 2008, over 290,000 civilians had been forced to flee their homes and their lives in search of safety
              2. Many NICs and RICs have developed following independence eg Asian Tigers since 70s and China, India since 80s
                1. Corruption is sometimes present so fianance and aid often diverted eg Mugabe in Zimbabwe
                  1. foreign aid money it has received has either been used for foreign investments or stored in oversees accounts
                2. Mechanisms for neocolonialism
                  1. strategic alliances
                    1. USA and USSR formed alliances with many developing nations to spread their global influence often by means of foreign aid
                    2. aid
                      1. TNCs
                        1. terms of trade
                          1. global finance and debt
                            1. structural adjustment policies
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