Alex, a teen boy who just lost his family,
has to live in a world of chaos, while
confronting his biggest challenge yet:
keeping his morals in a society forged
in violence.
Maintaining your
morals in a chaotic
Part One: Dark
Part Two: Hopeful
Years passed and they were
always one step behind. Olivia
and Alex kept looking for her,
traveling through the country,
never losing hope, as in every
village they visited, there was a
story about a girl who fed the
hungry, helped the ill and fought
their fight as if it was her own.
After a lifetime of traveling and looking for Taylor, Alex is on his deathbed. Olivia, always
by his side, held his hand as he exhaled his last breath. Not only did he die a hero for many,
but he died knowing that Taylor was somewhere out there. She had become a memory,
maybe even a fairy tale, but it was one he never forgot, and just as Taylor's story got
passed down generation from generation, so did Alex's.
Feeling defeated Alex doesn't
know what to do next, but
Olivia insists on looking for
They find the girl Olivia
bumped into, but it wasn't
Alex's Taylor, yet she told them
there had been a girl who
helped her village who was
called Taylor and fit their description.
Olivia, a stranger shows up at Alex's house and
tries to steal food. [...] After talking for a while,
Alex tells Olivia about Taylor and how he never
got to give her a proper funeral, then Olivia tells
him she had bumped into a girl called Taylor
looking for an 'Alex'. Hearing this, they embark
on a quest to find Taylor.
Alex wakes up disorientated ;
Finds out his parents are dead;
Finds out Taylor is dead.