Sexual Violence


sexual violence links
Mind Map by brookegrimsted, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by brookegrimsted over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sexual Violence
  1. Sexual violence at a young age can lead too...
    1. unplanned/ early pregnancy
      1. pulled out of school early
        1. less educated/ literate
          1. lower paying job
            1. lower living standards
              1. inability to provide for family
                1. children pulled out of school to work
                  1. child less literate/ more likely to work in labour job
                    1. child has increased risk of being trafficked young in the workforce
                      1. LINK
                      2. LINK
                        1. LINK
                        2. LINK
                        3. LINK
                          1. LINK
                      3. LINK
                    2. HIV & other transmittable diseases
                    Show full summary Hide full summary


                    UK Pressure Groups Examples
                    Emily Bevis
                    Violence, Aggression & Legislation
                    Matthew Coulson
                    Violence in Sport
                    Nathan Wren
                    Violence against women
                    crea educarex
                    violence conjugale
                    la violence conjugale quizz
                    Start or Stop Instructions
                    Steve Withers
                    8.3 Violence
                    Tipos de violencia
                    Daniel Cerecero
                    Gaming does not cause bad behaviour/violence
                    Kary Lee
                    CAUSAS Y EFECTOS
                    GUSTAVO ADOLFO V5008