Violence in Sport


AS level Physical Education (PE) (Socio-Cultral Studies) Mind Map on Violence in Sport, created by Nathan Wren on 17/05/2017.
Nathan Wren
Mind Map by Nathan Wren, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Wren
Created by Nathan Wren almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Violence in Sport
  1. Causes of Violence
    1. Importance of Result
      1. Nature of the Game
        1. Provocation/Sledging
          1. Disappointment/Frustration
            1. Weapons
            2. Solutions to Violence
              1. Technology
                1. Rule Changes
                  1. Greater Numbers
                    1. Education
                    2. Causes of Crowd Violence
                      1. Alcohol/Drugs
                        1. Racism
                          1. The score/result
                            1. Controversial Decisions
                            2. Solutions to violence by football supporters
                              1. Responsible Media Coverage
                                1. Control of Alcohol
                                  1. More Severe Coverage
                                    1. CCTV
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