The obese horse


Side effects of being an obese horse
Mind Map by buzzybea1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by buzzybea1 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The obese horse
  1. Change the diet
    1. Remove all concentrates
      1. Reduce the roughage
        1. The horse needs 2% of its weight in concentrates
        2. Soak hay for 12 hours
          1. Vitamin supliment
          2. Equine metabolic disease
            1. Pre disposing factors
              1. Fat
                1. release of bad toxins
                  1. Leptin
                    1. Resistin
                      1. Cortisol
                        1. Free fatty acids
                          1. Cytokines
                            1. Damage the horse lamella
                              1. TNF-alpha
                                1. IL-1
                                  1. IL-6
                                    1. 11 beta dehydrogenase
                                      1. Promotes cortisol
                                        1. Decreases sensitivity to insulin
                                    2. Crest size directly correlates with mental fat
                                    3. Native breed
                                      1. There is some heritability
                                    4. Issues
                                      1. Insulin and glucose tollerence
                                        1. Hypercoagulable
                                          1. predisposing to laminitis
                                          2. Vascular compramise
                                            1. Predisposing to laminitis
                                          3. Diagnosis
                                            1. Insulin-glucose tolerance testing


                                              • A base line glucose blood sample is taken after 12 hours of fasting then samples are at 1, 5 and 10 minuets followed but samples ever 10 minuets up to an hour then every 30 minuets up to 2.5 hours
                                            2. Treatment
                                              1. Thyroxine
                                                1. increases the basal metabolism
                                                2. Laminitis treatment


                                                  • -NSAIDs -Pain killers -farriery -light exercise once better
                                                  1. Weight loss
                                                    1. anti hyperglycemic agents
                                                      1. Metformin
                                                        1. Acts on liver
                                                          1. Actions short lived
                                                    2. Endocrine problems
                                                      1. PPID
                                                        1. Diagnosis options
                                                          1. Gold standard ACTH assay
                                                        2. Hypothyroidism
                                                          1. Extremely rare
                                                        3. Joint and hoof issues
                                                          1. Laminitis
                                                          2. Hyper lipemia/lipidaemia
                                                            1. Hyper lipemia- plasma triglycerides >5mmol/l
                                                              1. Hyper lipidaemia is an increase in blood fats
                                                                1. Risk factors
                                                                  1. Fat
                                                                    1. Genetics
                                                                      1. Breed
                                                                      2. lactating
                                                                        1. Pregnancy
                                                                          1. Inactivity
                                                                            1. Underlying disease
                                                                              1. Stress
                                                                              2. Diagnosis


                                                                                • If the pony is ill and fat test, if it is peripartuant on top of that test ASAP!!
                                                                                1. Blood sample
                                                                                  1. White plasma
                                                                                    1. triglycerides >5mmol/l
                                                                                      1. increased liver enzymes
                                                                                        1. azotaemia
                                                                                          1. electrolyte issues
                                                                                            1. Hypoglycemia
                                                                                          2. Treatment
                                                                                            1. Treat the underlying cause
                                                                                              1. Nutritional support
                                                                                                1. reverse negative energy balance
                                                                                                  1. Enteral feeding
                                                                                                    1. Pre brought or home made
                                                                                                    2. highly palatable feed.
                                                                                                    3. Fluids
                                                                                                      1. Correct electrolyte abnormalities
                                                                                                        1. Diuresis if metabolic acidosis
                                                                                                          1. Exogenous insulin and heperin
                                                                                                            1. decreases lipolysis
                                                                                                          2. Prevention
                                                                                                            1. decrease BCS
                                                                                                              1. correct energy balance
                                                                                                                1. miinimise stress
                                                                                                              2. Infertility
                                                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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