TIBERIUS: Hortensius Hortalus: states that
Tiberius wasted no time in refusing to give
Hortalus money because the Senate looked
so favourably to the idea. Tacitus portrays
Tiberius as a spiteful. BUT he may have
declined so that the status of the Senate was
not reduced to that of charity; the Senate
House was also used to discuss political
state matters not personal affairs.
CLAUDIUS: The rise of Agrippina: Tacitus suggests that full
dominance was accorded to one woman, putting a negative
spin on it. But this seems unlikely as we also see Claudius
making his own decisions, and was perhaps not
dominated at all (Gauls in the Senate).
TIBERIUS: Domitian: Tacitus lived under the tyrant
Domitian, who admired and read the diaries of
Tiberius, so it makes sense that Tacitus would not like
Tiberius as he was associated so much with
Domitian, who was awful!
His view of psychology: Tacitus believed that character was
consistent over time. If you were bad in the end, you were
always bad, but in Tiberius' case concealed it very well.
Claims to have no bias in his writings,
but only stated the facts. This is
convincing as he often gives several
interpretations regarding one event.
TIBERIUS: His retirement to Capri: he
gives several possible answers to this:
Livia? His family full of intrigue? He
also suggests that Sejanus may have
been responsible for this, having
convinced Tiberius to go so he could
gain more power.
TIBERIUS: the role of Sejanus: he also raises
questions regarding his position. He suggests that
Tiberius felt no affection for Sejanus and used his as
a tool to get rid of Germanicus' children. But then he
also suggests that Sejanus had been plotting to
usurp Tiberius, stating that the emperor has made
him consul to prevent him from realising he knew he
was plotting.
TIBERIUS: Accession: states that Tiberius
was hesitant to take the principate due to the
rise of Clemens and the case of Libo Drusus.
This is likely wrong as Tacitus states that
Libo Drusus didn't make an appearance
until 16CE, and Clemens 17CE.
TIBERIUS: you can compare
his recording of Piso's trial
with the Senatus Consultum
on Piso found in Spain.
CLAUDIUS: you can compare
his recording of Claudius'
speech on letting the Gauls into
the Senate with an inscription
found in Lyon.
Speculative Recording
CLAUDIUS: Asiaticus: the trial was held in
corbiculo, therefore not even the senators at the
time knew what had occurred. Tacitus only
writes what he believes would have been said,
but this does not mean that he is correct.
CLAUDIUS: Freedmen debates: the debate on who
should be the next wife was likely held in the Senate
House or Imperial household. Tacitus knows that
Agrippina was selected as that was common
knowledge, but he doesn't know what else was said,
though he records it anyway.
TIBERIUS: Accession: he states that Tiberius hesitated to take
power due to his fear of Germanicus, and wanting to be selected
by the Senate as emperor. But Tacitus does not know what he was
thinking; Tiberius may have declined as the rule of the empire was
the job for one man alone and so wanted help from the Senate,
but Tacitus neglects this interpretation.
TIBERIUS: states that Tiberius left for Capri
due to his sexual tendencies, that he trained
young children to entertain him. But this is
most likely based on rumour.
CLAUDIUS: Agrippina: states that she initiated
her rise to power by exercising a "niece's
privileges" and sitting on his lap and
entertaining Claudius. But this most likely
happened inside the imperial household and
most definitely not in public for everyone to see.
Moral Purpose
He records thematically,
according to the emperors'
virtues and vices.
In Book 6 he diverges from his recordings and
tells us that the examples he uses are only the
ones particularly praiseworthy or particularly
bad. This is so the reader can follow the good
examples and avoid being like the bad people.
Annals: a chronological retelling of the
emperors' reigns, covering their personal,
provincial and political affairs.
Advantages: can easily date things.
Accuracy is high as everything is in
order. Focus is holistic, which allows
us to see how Tiberius operates in
terms of succession etc.
Disadvantages: fragmented
events (e.g Tacfarinas)
Biography: separated into themes
but focusses solely on the
character of the emperors.
Advantages: everything is grouped
together so there are no fragmented
events like you have in Tacitus.
Disadvantages: hard to date. Neglects
provincial factors.
Life & Sources
Was a senior senator,
and Governor of Asia.
Had access to Senatorial Archives. In the recording of Messalina and Silius'
affair, he also takes a moment to tell the reader that he has in fact checked
his sources; he says "Older men heard and recorded it." (p246) suggesting he
also had access to contemporary sources as well
Had access to Imperial Archives. We see
this as he often includes personal letters
from the emperors (e.g Augustus' letter
to Livia regarding Claudius, Augustus'
letter regarding Tiberius).
Was the the secretary of Hadrian and
in charge of the libraries of Rome.