An Inspector Calls- Act One


Analysis of characters and themes
Miss L. Rudling
Mind Map by Miss L. Rudling, updated more than 1 year ago
Miss L. Rudling
Created by Miss L. Rudling over 8 years ago

Resource summary

An Inspector Calls- Act One
  1. Narrative
    1. Opening Stage directions
      1. Initial impressions of characters
        1. Arthur's Speech
          1. Arthur's 2nd speech
            1. Inspector's arrival
              1. Arthur's story
                1. Sheila's Story
                  1. Gerald and Sheila's conversation
                  2. Characters
                    1. Sheila
                      1. '(half serious, half playful)
                        1. Sheila clearly doesn't trust Gerald. She wants to remind him of this but does so in an underhand way to not show him up in front of her family.
                      2. Eric
                        1. Gerald
                          1. Mr Birling
                            1. Mrs Birling
                              1. The Inspector
                              2. Themes
                                1. Capitalism vs. Socialism
                                  1. Community
                                    1. Responsibility
                                      1. Family loyalty
                                        1. Blame
                                          1. Promoting oneself
                                            1. Class
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