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Nazi Methods of Control (Punishments)
GCSE History (Germany) Mind Map on Nazi Methods of Control (Punishments), created by fliss.eyre2124 on 27/02/2014.
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almost 11 years ago
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Nazi Methods of Control (Punishments)
Police State
Police/the SS had the power to arrest those that didn't follow the Nazi ideals and could arrest without explanation or trail
Gestapo (secret police)
They used any method they could to find opponents of the regime- like phone tapping and spying on people
They were feared because they could strike at any time or place on ordinary Germans
People who would inform the gestapo of opposition. Children were encouraged to inform on parents and teachers. They were everywhere.
Opponents were sent for 're-education' in concentration camps
Block Wardens
Nazis that visited their 'Block' to collect donations and to check 'political reliability'.
It was feared because the reports could determine peoples careers
The SS
Hitlers private army, and also in charge of concentration camps
Almost unlimited power
Law Courts
The legal system was controlled by the Nazis
There was no trial by jury
All Judges were Nazis
Judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to hitler
This was feared as the number of crimes punishable by death rose from 3 to 46, including listening to foreign radio and telling anti-nazi jokes
Concentration Camps
Used for questioning, torture and 're-education'
Prisoners were used as hard labour and treated brutally.
Many died and their families were sent a note that the victim had died of pneumonia/similar diseases
Prisoners wore badges to indicate the reason for imprisonment
People feared the torture and brutality
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