Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song


GCSE and IGCSE Music Mind Map on Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song, created by emma2828 on 28/02/2014.
Mind Map by emma2828, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emma2828 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song
  1. Instrumentation and Texture
    1. Layered texture throughout
      1. Drum Kit - Rhythmic pattern
        1. Bass Guitar - Bass Line
          1. Synthesiser and Accordion - Chords
            1. Voice - Main Melody
              1. Countermelodies - Violin, Wurlitzer piano, Uilleannn pipes and Bouzouki
                1. Three Unusual Instruments
                  1. Wurlitzer Piano - early type of electric piano
                    1. Uilleann pipes - bagpipes but with a softer tone
                      1. Bouzouki - lute from greece
                      2. N.C - no chord - accompaniment drops out
                        1. 'With modulation' means modulation applied to the synth chord - makes pitch fluctuate slightly ( vibrato)
                          1. Cluster Chord - opens song - a chord whose notes are all next to eachother
                          2. Structure
                            1. Vocal Line alternates between 4 different phrases, each lasting 1 bar, in a call and response pattern
                              1. Phrase 1: call (in gaelic, starts on high D)
                                1. Refrain 1: response (vocables, starts on mid B)
                                  1. Phrase 2: call (in Gaelic, starts on low D)
                                    1. Refrain 2: response (vocables, starts on a high E)
                                    2. 1. Introduction: an instrumental section, after which he voice enters with the first line of text
                                      1. 2. Verse 1: voice and accompaniment
                                        1. 3. Verse 2: voice and accompaniment- includes a instrumental break
                                          1. 4. Coda: short vocal phrases echo the end of refrain 1, after which the accompaniment fades out
                                          2. Melody
                                            1. Vocal Melody
                                              1. penatonic - based on 5 note scale
                                                1. lower register - soloists part in vocal tenor clef - music sounds an octave lower than printed
                                                  1. mainly syllabic
                                                    1. Alternates between one bar phrases in Gaelic (the call) and phrases that use vocables (the response)
                                                      1. Gaelic is a language spoken in parts of Scotand
                                                        1. Vocables are nonsense syllables
                                                        2. Instumentalists
                                                          1. short motifs and countermelodies based on vocal phrases
                                                            1. main instrumental break, based on refrain 2
                                                          2. Rhythm and Metre
                                                            1. 12/8 - compound quadruple time
                                                              1. frequent syncopation
                                                                1. at the start of the song the hi-hat creates cross rhythms. When the full band enters the hi-hat rhythm changes and more clearly emphasises 12/8
                                                                2. Harmony
                                                                  1. G major
                                                                    1. enirely diatonic
                                                                      1. Three main chords are : G, Em and C
                                                                        1. Dominant Chord D is avoidedd
                                                                          1. has a modal feel
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