Allocation - Youths


Criminal Litigation Mind Map on Allocation - Youths, created by hargreas on 03/03/2014.
Mind Map by hargreas, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hargreas almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Allocation - Youths
  1. Charged with homicide, firearms or offence where a notice has been served (child or fraud)
    1. Charged with an offence that is related to an offence that is being sent
      1. related to an offence that has already been sent
        1. capable of being a grave crime
          1. jointly charged with an adult who has been sent
            1. If no take a plea and proceed in the youth court
              1. If yes then PBV - ask to indicate a plea
                1. Not guilty entered
                  1. Is it a grave crime?
                    1. Jointly charged with an adult - necessary in interests of justice to send to CC?
                      1. SHALL send
                      2. D charged with an offence which is being sent or has already been sent?
                        1. MAY send
                      3. Guilty entered
                        1. MUST commit for sentence if DANGEROUS
                          1. MAY commit if satisfied needs long sentence
                            1. SENTENCE or adjourn for reports
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