

Mapa mental para la clase de Planeación Estratégica
Antonio Delgado Rodríguez
Mind Map by Antonio Delgado Rodríguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Antonio Delgado Rodríguez
Created by Antonio Delgado Rodríguez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Strategic factor
    1. Goals that are simple, consistent, and long term
      1. Profound understanding of the competitive environment
        1. Objective appraisal of resources
        2. Effective implementation
        3. Link between the firm and the industry
          1. The firm: goals, values, resources, structure
            1. The industry: competitors, suppliers, customers
            2. Strategic fit
              1. A situation that occurs when a specific project is seen as appropriate with respect to and organization's objective
              2. Strategic decisions
                1. Are important
                  1. involve a significant commitment of resources
                    1. are not easily reversible
                    2. Strategy making
                      1. The focus is less on the detailed management of companies’ growth paths
                      2. Corporate strategy
                        1. the scope of the firm
                        2. Business strategy
                          1. how the firm competes within a particular industry
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