SMART Targets


Mind Map on SMART Targets, created by Charlie Willison on 29/04/2013.
Charlie Willison
Mind Map by Charlie Willison, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlie Willison
Created by Charlie Willison over 11 years ago

Resource summary

SMART Targets
  1. A = Achievable
    1. You won't be able to achieve a goal if you aren't prepared to work hard enough to achieve it.
      1. Setting impossible targets means you are likely not to achieve it
      2. T = Time-bound
        1. Giving yourself a time-bound or schedule, makes working towards your target easier.
          1. Without a schedule it is easy to put things off and as a result lose motivation.
        2. R = Realistic
          1. Having an impossible target will reduce motivation, whereas a more realistic target will give you more motivation.
          2. M = Measurable
            1. You need to be able to know when or if you have achieved your target, and this can only be done if your target is measurable.
            2. S = Specific
              1. You need to know exactly what you want to achieve.
                1. Has to be related to your sport or activity.
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