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Tracy  Julien
Mind Map by Tracy Julien, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Tracy  Julien
Created by Tracy Julien over 8 years ago
Tracy  Julien
Copied by Tracy Julien over 8 years ago
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Resource summary

  1. Pathophysiology
    1. The inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils
      1. Can be a viral or bacterial infection
        1. 85% are caused by a viral infections
          1. Most bacterial infections are cause by group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus (GABS)
        2. Tonsils have a protective function, “absorbing small numbers of organisms and so establishing immunity by gradual dosage
        3. Epidemilology
          1. Incidence is higher among school age children
            1. Incidence of tonsillitis account for approximately 32 in 1000 patients annually
            2. Risk Factors
              1. Close contact with an infected person
                1. Young age
                  1. Smoking or exposure
                    1. Weak immune
                      1. Ill ventilated or overcrowded environment
                      2. Alcohol use
                      3. Treatment
                        1. Viral and bacterial infections
                          1. Viral infections, treat the symptoms
                            1. Treat the pain and fever, and encourage fluids and food
                            2. Bacterial infection, antibiotic
                              1. Treat with Antistreptoccol antibiotics
                                1. Penicillin, is the drug of choice if allegric erythromycin may be usedclindaymcin,
                              2. Tonsilectomy
                              3. Clinical Presentation
                                1. Fever, foul breath and sore throat
                                  1. tender and or enlarge lymph nodes on the side of the neck
                                    1. difficulty swallowing and painful swallowing
                                      1. Enlarged tonsils, tonsilar exudate
                                        1. obstructed airway
                                      2. Diagnosis
                                        1. Rapid stress test and Throat cultures
                                          1. CBC
                                            1. Physical Exam
                                              1. Clinical assessment
                                              2. Adaptive Response
                                                1. Enlarge tonsils with exudate
                                                  1. Fever
                                                    1. Swollen / tender lymph nodes
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