Janet Holmes


How this particular theorist sees gender through the eyes of English language.
Hazel Meades
Mind Map by Hazel Meades, updated more than 1 year ago
Hazel Meades
Created by Hazel Meades over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Janet Holmes
  1. English metaphors include far more derogatory images surrounding women than men.
    1. Animal imagery
      1. bitch, old biddy, cow
        1. Birds are regarded as feather-brained and flighty
          1. More positive chick and kitten are sweet but helpless pets.
          2. Stud, wolf
            1. Male imagery implies at least one positive component e.g: sexual prowess.
          3. Food imagery
            1. Sugar, sweetie, honey
              1. Crumpet, tart
                1. Terms that are originally neutral or affectionate acquire negative connotations as they increasingly refer only to women.
                  1. Negative meanings focus on women as sexual objects.
                  2. Little food imagery appropriate for refering to men.
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                  Lucy Hodgson
                  English Language Techniques
                  Gender Theorists
                  Hazel Meades
                  English Language
                  English Literary Terminology
                  Fionnghuala Malone
                  English Grammatical Terminology
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