1_School Mag


A level Media Studies Mind Map on 1_School Mag, created by Nicole Sherry on 03/10/2016.
Nicole Sherry
Mind Map by Nicole Sherry, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Nicole Sherry
Created by Nicole Sherry over 8 years ago
Nicole Sherry
Copied by Nicole Sherry over 8 years ago

Resource summary

1_School Mag
  1. Front Cover
    1. one image
      1. Student
        1. Well presented
          1. happy
            1. reading a book
          2. Large title at the top of the page
            1. School information across bottom of the page
              1. Heading along left hand side of the page
                1. colour scheme
                2. Contents
                  1. split into 3 thirds
                    1. left hand side and right hand side split until halfway then the bottom half sectioned off
                    2. follows school colours
                      1. green
                        1. yellow
                          1. black
                          2. School information with pages
                            1. school logo
                              1. headmaster profile
                                1. message from the head
                              2. Double page spread
                                1. school
                                  1. exams n tips
                                    1. pictures related
                                    2. 2 pictures
                                      1. block background
                                      2. other side
                                        1. school trip
                                          1. spain
                                            1. images from trip
                                              1. message from teacher
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                                        Camera Angles
                                        Marketing and Distributing
                                        Shannon Clarke
                                        Art photographs
                                        Silent Films
                                        Joanna MacQueen
                                        Week 2: Multimedia Learning Theories and Instructional Design: A Synthesis of Reading By: Jen Bosler
                                        How close is spoken language to digital media communication?
                                        Emily Newman
                                        General Digital Use & Development
                                        The Hollywood Studios
                                        digital media
                                        Digital Media and Environmental Sustainability
                                        Lewis Hainey