Detailed character profile for Prospero. Includes all summaries of his scenes, AO2 (writer's use of language) and analysis, AO3 (critical quotes) and AO4 (historical context).
"We are such stuff as
dreams are made on; and
our little life is rounded
with a sleep."
In 'The Tempest' Shakespeare portrays man in connection with the
supernatural. This subject is accurately summarised by Victor Hugo as
follows: 'The Tempest' symbolizes the action of man on the invisible world.
"Our revels now are ended."
The 'Revels' refers to a term used in entertainment, in 'The Tempest' it suggests the end of a dance/masque. Here Prospero
is comparing the end of courtship and the beginning of the bond of marriage between Miranda and Ferdinand. Prospero is no
longer in charge of his daughter's well-being, it is now up to Ferdinand
"I had forgot that foul
conspiracy of the beast
Caliban and his
confederates against my
This dramatic outburst reveals Prospero's dark side, as his power over Caliban is suddenly put under risk. This
speech contrasts with the spectacle of the mask, which rejoices the bond of Ferdinand and Miranda. By placing
this speech after the masque concludes, Shakespeare creates more dramatic tension.
"But if thou break her virgin-knot
before all sanctimonious ceremonies
may with full and holy rite be
To establish his power as the protective father figure of Miranda, Prospero threatens Ferdinand to not take the virginity of his child before
marriage, as it would discredit Prospero and Miranda from society. By stating his authority over Ferdinand, a prince of a higher ranking than
Prospero, it shows how much of a tyrannical influence he is.
"I'll break my staff, bury it certain fathoms in the
earth, and deeper than did ever plummet sound
I'll drown my book."
Prospero here is relinquishing his powers, in comparison to Shakespeare, as Prospero is bidding farewell to
his books, just as Shakespeare is bidding farewell to his writing. It proves that the written word is the most
powerful object of manipulation, which rings true on the powerful effect of Shakespeare's plays here on
"And these, mine enemies, are all knit up in their distraction. They now are in my power;"
Again Prospero asserts his control over those who rank above him, and
addressing them as 'mine enemies' goes to show the insurmountable amount of revenge he has on his mind.
"Thou most lying slave... I have used thee with humane care, and lodged thee in mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child."
Prospero refers to his care of Caliban and his European influence over the native of the island. From a post-colonial perspective Prospero is portrayed as a
European Duke who has enslaved the inhabitants of the island and has inserted his culture, language and authority over the likes of Caliban.
"Tried by suffering, Prospero proves its strengthening qualities. Far from succumbing to the blow,
it is not until it has fallen that he displays his true , far-reaching, and terrible power and becomes
the great irresistable magician which Shakespeare himself has long been. His power is not
understood by his daughter, but is felt by his enemies. He plays with them as he pleases, compels
them to repent their past treatment of him, and then pardons them with a calmness of superioty" -
"Prospero finds it easy to forgive because, in his secret soul, he sets very little
value on the dukedom he has lost, and is, therefore, roused to very little
indignation by the treachery which deprived him of it." - RICHARD GARNETT
"His daughter's happiness is the sole thing which greatly interests him now, and he carries his indifference to worldly matters
so far that, without any outward compulsion, he breaks his magic wand and casts his books into the sea. Resuming his place
among the ranks of ordinary men,he retains nothing but his inalienable treasure, of experience and reflection."- RICHARD
"Prospero is the master-mind, the man of the future, as shown by his control over the forces of nature. He passes as a magician, and Shakespeare found
his prototype, as far as external accessories were concerned, in a scholar of mark and man of high principles..." - GEORG BRANDES
"Prospero's conduct from the moment the play begins, seems to contradict the basic
tenets of Christian forgiveness. Fortune has brought his enemies within his grasp and
Prospero seizes the opportunity for revenge." - FRANK DAVIDSON
"A thorough discussion of the themes of forgiveness and reconciliation
in the play must consider Prospero's treatment of Caliban. Even though
Prospero understands that Caliban's bad behaviour is like that of a
child, he does not offer mercy and forgiveness as freely and earnestly as
one should. The best Prospero can do is couch a rather lackluster
pardon inside a command..." - FRANK KERMODE
"Shakespeare no doubt understood that ending the play with this sour meeting would
leave the reader wanting, so he crafts the union of Miranda and Ferdinand as a vehicle by
which the two fathers can further their reconciliation." - FRANK KERMODE
"Over all this spirit world Prospero bears sovereign rule by the power
of commanding intellect. His subjects are 'weak masters' he says; that is
weak by individually, weak in the capacity for combining to make the
most of their ability to do certain things that men cannot do. Prospero
know how to make them work in carrying out his far-reaching plans." -
"Shakespeare, while as I have said, has managed the supernatural part of the play
in strict accordance with the theories of that day concerning magic, has at the
same time avoided everything that was ridiculous or revolting in the popular belief.
He thus exercises, as it were, a magic power over the vulgar magic, lifting it from
prose to poetry..." - WILLIAM J. ROLFE
The play itself it based on how a fleet of nine ships were journeying to 'the new world' when a terrible storm
separated one ship from the rest, and landed on the island of Bermuda. The crew onboard the ship then
inhabited the island, which was already populated, and enslaved the natives there. This comparison is shown
in Prospero character as a usurper of the island from Caliban. - "This island mien by Sycorax my mother, which
thou tak'st from me."
Prospero has usurped Caliban from the rule of the island and was thus, an agent of imperialism.
Prospero is a central character and must sustain the
interest of the audience. He can be played as a powerful
and magnanimous man or as a cruel sorcerer. There is
evidence of both possibilities in the play.
Prospero may be
depicted as a godlike
figure, meting out an
ill-understood justice, or
as a despotic coliniser
The plot of 'The Tempest' may be divorced from real life in that its chief character,
Prospero, is a magician who can control the spirits of air, earth, fire and water, and who can
use spells to put Miranda to sleep, to punish Caliban and to remedy old wrongs. The play
presupposes a knowledge of and interest in the supernatural, an interest that was probably
more widespread in Shakespeare's day than in our own.
1) The island, Prospero stands
outside with Miranda watching the
shipwreck Prospero caused
2) Miranda is horrified, Prospero tells her
no-one is hurt and tells the story of how they
came to the island
3) Prospero puts Miranda to sleep and calls to Ariel,
who informs him on the whereabouts of the courtiers
4) Ariel complains of his treatment and
Prospero berates him for it, reminding him of
his torture from Sycorax
5) After waking Miranda, they visit
Caliban, another slave who deliberately
disobeys Prospero
6) Caliban accuses Prospero of stealing his
island, Prospero berates him and retorts with
how he treated Caliban with kindness and
educated him, Caliban then proclaims that he
is now 'cursed' by his eduction
7) When Ferdinand appears, he and Miranda instantly fall
in love, which pleases Prospero but is ensure whether he is
the right man for her, so he decides to put him to the test.
Much to the dismay of Miranda, Prospero imprisons him
1) Ferdinand performs the tasks that
were commanded by Prospero, he knows
that Miranda would weep for him
2) Miranda appears and offers to help him,
Prospero observing, Ferdinand refuses
saying he would rather break his back then
let her dishonour herself
3) They declare their love for each other as
Prospero decides that Ferdinand is worthy of his
daughter's hand
1) Prospero consents the marriage of Ferdinand and
Miranda and prepares a wedding masque
2) He cautions Ferdinand not to break
the vow of consummation before
3) The masque begins, however it is cut
short as Prospero remembers the
assassination plot upon his life
4) Prospero orders Ariel to set a
trap for the trio (Stephano,
Trinculo and Caliban)
5) The spirits change into wild dogs
and chase the trio out of Prospero's
6) Ariel informs
Prospero that all
his enemies are at
his mercy and that
he will soon be free
from the island
1) Antonio, Sebastian and Alonso have all
gone mad and Gonzalo is suffering mental
2) Breaking their trance Prospero identifies
himself and Alonso asks his forgiveness
3) Alonso is reunited with Ferdinand, Prospero forgives
Antonio but does not reconcile with him, the ship-crew
announce that the ship is ready to sail
4) After confronting
Stephano, Trinculo and
Caliban, he tells
Caliban that he can
now have the island
5) Prospero invites the king and the
courtiers to hear the story of his life on
the island, as Ariel prepares the proper
sailing weather to guide Prospero back to