

Week 5 learning assignment for my EM203 class
Jamie Wolfish
Mind Map by Jamie Wolfish, updated more than 1 year ago
Jamie Wolfish
Created by Jamie Wolfish almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Collaboration
    1. Working with others inside and outside the classroom
      1. Education allowing to build off of new ideas
        1. Education is no longer an independent
        2. Technology
          1. How does education adapt to new technology
            1. How can education combat technological distractions
              1. Has technology replaced education
              2. Accessibility
                1. Is education affordable to people of all economic backgrounds?
                  1. Can current education support different learning styles
                    1. How does education vary acrross different geographical borders
                    2. Applicability
                      1. How does education apply in the real work
                        1. Will your friend of study lead to a job
                          1. Is education working towards solving real world problems
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