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World at Risk 2
Physical Geography- World at Risk Mind Map on World at Risk 2, created by olw-1234 on 02/05/2013.
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physical geography- world at risk
physical geography- world at risk
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 11 years ago
Resource summary
World at Risk 2
Hazard distribution
Geophysical hazards usually occur near plate boundaries
Earths crust made up of huge plates called tectonics
Two types
thicker (less dense) is the continental crust
Thinner (more dense) is the oceanic crust
Plates move because of convection currents in the mantle these are caused by temperature differences within the mantle
Volcanoes and earthquakes occur at constructive boundaries
Constructive- 2 plates move apart
Mantle is under pressure from plates above
when they move pressure is released this causes mantle to melt and produce magma
Magma is less dense than the plate above so it rises and erupts
Volcanoes and earthquakes also occur at destructive boundaries
Destructive- when 2 plates move towards each other
Continental and oceanic crust move towards each other more dense oceanic is forced under the continental plate.
Oceanic is heated b friction and contact with the upper mantle which melts the magma
magma is less dense than the continental crust and will rise back to the surface to form a volcano
Earthquakes also occur at conservative boundaries
conservative- when 2 plates are moving apart
2 plates get locked together in places and pressure builds up
Causes plates to jerk past each other releasing the energy as an earthquake
Tropical cyclones occur over warm water
develop above water 26.5C or higher Moist air rises and condenses it releases energy which increases wind speed
loses strength when over land because energy supply is cut off
occur between 5 and 30 north and south of the equator
Cyclones spin because of the Coriolis effect force that deflects the path of winds due to the earths rotation
This is why they move away from the equator
Volcanoes also occur away from plate boundaries
These volcanoes are thought to be caused by magma rising from large chamber beneath the crust
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