London - William Blake


A level English (Anthology ) Mind Map on London - William Blake, created by Rachel Burch on 19/10/2016.
Rachel Burch
Mind Map by Rachel Burch, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Burch
Created by Rachel Burch almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

London - William Blake
  1. Lexis and imagery
    1. Metaphor- "Mind-forged manacles"
      1. Conveys the further intentions of the writer highlighting the isolation of society around him.
      2. Colour symbolism- "Midnight"/ "Blackening"
        1. Emphasises the emotions of London at the time visualises the pain and misery of the people living in London.
        2. Juxtaposition of common nouns - "harlot's"/"infants"
          1. Shows a wide range of society (people) young /old - who are living in poverty
          2. The verb - 'wander'
            1. Suggests that Blake and the world is lost in poverty
            2. The common noun - 'mark'
              1. Indicates that everyone has been marked by poverty
              2. Repeated adjective - 'chartered'
                1. Implies that laws are enforced
              3. Grammar and syntax
                1. Parallelism and repetition of the determiner 'every'- "In every cry"
                  1. Emphasises how poverty can effect every one
                2. Phonology
                  1. Sibilance- "hapless soldier's sigh"
                    1. The auditory effect of the repeated 's' sound creates a sound of a sigh this portrays a defeated sound highlighting how London can't win the battle of poverty
                  2. Structure and form
                    1. Four quatrains using regular alternate rhyme - "street"/ "flow"/"meet"/"woe"
                      1. Creates the image of a monotonous life in poverty
                      2. Caesura - "In every voice, in every ban"
                        1. Creates a pause which allows time for the reader to reflect on how awful London is it also implies an slow/on going life style which everyone is living
                        2. Enjambment in stanza 3
                          1. Indicates an on going and painfully slow lifestyle in Poverty
                        3. Narrative stance
                          1. First person singular pronoun - 'I'
                            1. Highlights Blake's own personal experience of poverty
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