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Topic 1 - Background to Mark's Gospel
Religion Mind Map on Topic 1 - Background to Mark's Gospel, created by maryconnolly11 on 25/03/2014.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Topic 1 - Background to Mark's Gospel
Literalism - the direct word of God
Fundamentalism - put fundamental beliefs into practice
Conservatism - not the direct word of God
Liberalism - open to faults and errors
Preserve the WoG, Encourage believers, Accurate events, Persecuted Christians
Nature of Mark's Gospel
to develop/strengthen faith
proclaim good news about Jesus
Why was it written?
Jesus shared stories orally, people wrote them down so they didn't forget
share the faith with others
Mark wrote his Gospel after Peters death in AD65
Different Views of the Gospel
Religious Background
Sanhedrin - Jewish court of law made up of 72 men (both backgrounds)
Pharisees - they believed Jesus was a warrior, the followed the Oral law
Sadducees - they didn't believe in the Messiah, the Afterlife or Ressurections
Opposition and Persecution
Christians were believed to be anti-social, immoral, a threat to the slave trade
Religious Background
Temple - one temple in Jerusalem (holy place)
Rabbi - 'teacher' who leads the Synangogue
Proof of Jesus' Real Words
Jesus spoke Aramaic, and Mark quoted him using Aramaic in his Gospel
How Christianity Came to Jerusalem
Church was mainly Jews
Then it appealed to non-Jews
People dissatisfied with existing religions were attracted to Christianity
People converted to Christianity and then told their faith to others
Overlooked people formed a social underclass
People of different ethnicity lined together in Rome
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