Love in Tally's Blood


Dramatic Techniques
Mind Map by lindajeffrey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lindajeffrey over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Love in Tally's Blood
  1. Dramatic Techniques
    1. conflict, plot, theme, climax, characterisation, key scene, structure, setting
    2. Romantic Love
      1. Franco and Bridget
        1. KEY SCENE
          1. "You see, I thought Franco didn't love me. You told me that. And I believed you. That's the reason I did what I did that night". p145
            1. "In Italy , if you like someone, you buy them gold". p.29
              1. "I'd regret it more if anything happened to you, and we hadn't ..."
                1. "Franco loves me". p61
                  1. "Bridget sits down, gets letter out of her bag, she hndles it with tenderness/reverence: Looks at the first page very lovingly". p86
                  2. Hughie and Lucia
                    1. "Lucia. I've come for you...I love you, Lucia". p 173
                      1. "I don't know when I last saw two people loved each other as much as that". p 163
                        1. CLIMAX
                        2. Rosinella and Massimo
                          1. TURNING POINT
                            1. DENOUEMENT
                              1. "Oh, I love you too, Massimo. (Rosinella goes coy, wicked smile...) But my daddy's locked me up...says I've not to see you ..." (p177)
                                1. "Massimo puts his hand on his heart, looks lovingly at her...That's my heart, Rosie. And she's beating just for you.". (p177)
                                2. "But you really don't care for anyone else's pain except your own, do you? I never realised that before and I wish to God I didn't now....You never think of anyone byt yourself". (p149)
                                  1. Stage Directions: "He goes: Rosinella shattered". (p149)
                                    1. "She starts to cry: he does not know what to do. She reaches her hand out to him and he puts his arm round her and she cries". (p149)
                                3. Family Love
                                  1. Luigi and Lucia
                                    1. "He strokes the blanket and abruptly turns away, unable to deal with the pain. " p11
                                      1. THEME STEREOTYPES
                                        1. "Luigi does not lift a finger to help: there might be an ashtray, or his glass , a foot away from him and he gestures for Lucia to put it closer". (p158)
                                          1. "You sponged off my sister, you sponged off me. YOu even sponged your daughter's upbringing and now she's big, you wnat her married so you can sponge off her. Your own lassie". (p169)
                                        2. Massimo/Franco/Faither
                                          1. CONFLICT
                                            1. MONOLOGUE
                                              1. "Arandora Star non vi scorderemo mai...We will never forget you" p79
                                                1. He tries to push my father into the line but my father is holding on to my arm. I can still feel his nails digging into me, he was holding on that tight". (P79)
                                                2. "I've worked in that shop for as long as I can remember, and for as long as I can remember I've thought about getting out". (p43)
                                                  1. "Why do you think? To get out that shop...Well, you got out, didn't you?" Massimo: "Aye, to sell hot pea specials and double nougats, you stupid bastard. No to get my fucking brains blown out in a fucking war that's got fuck all to do with me". (p52)
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