Ways of cooking food


GCSE Food Tech Mind Map on Ways of cooking food, created by Sachi Sahi on 02/11/2016.
Sachi Sahi
Mind Map by Sachi Sahi, updated more than 1 year ago
Sachi Sahi
Created by Sachi Sahi about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Ways of cooking food
  1. Convection
    1. Heat is conducted from pans to the water
      1. The water/air molecules move in a circular motion to cook the food.
        1. These are called convection currnts
          1. The more heat energy the faster the currents
            1. When hot air/water molecules get to the top they cool down and sink
            2. There are heat zones in an oven, the is always the hottest down to the bottom which is the coolest
              1. This is because in convection currents hot air rises and cool air sinks
                1. In a fan oven there is a fan distributing the air so it has no heat zones
                2. You use convection whilst boiling
                  1. Braising
                    1. Poaching
                      1. steaming
                        1. stewing
                          1. Baking
                          2. Radiation
                            1. A lot of grilled or barbecued food is cooked using radiation
                              1. It uses infrared rays to heat up food
                                1. Food must not be over 3.5 cm because the infrared rays don't penetrate that deep
                                  1. If the food is too close to the grill then it will burn and char
                                    1. Sometimes burnt food can be burnt on the outside and undercooked on the inside
                                      1. Grilling
                                        1. Toasting
                                          1. Microwaving
                                          2. Conduction
                                            1. Heat is transferred to the food because the atoms in the tray/pan vibrate
                                              1. Vibrations transfer heat energy
                                                1. Metals are good conductors and many baking tins are metal
                                                  1. The atoms are arranged in a lattice in metal
                                                    1. Heat insulators like plastic or wood make handles to prevent burning
                                                      1. When you boil foods you use conduction to heat water
                                                        1. Braising
                                                          1. Poaching
                                                            1. steaming
                                                              1. Stewing
                                                                1. stir fry
                                                                2. Why is food cooked
                                                                  1. to make foods safe
                                                                    1. High risk must be cooked thoroughly to ill harmful bacteria
                                                                    2. To give flavour
                                                                      1. The heat when cooking can cause chemical reactions that can release flavour
                                                                        1. in stews juices are released into the liquid to give flavour
                                                                        2. Because water is evaporated during cooking which also gives flavour
                                                                        3. to make a better texture
                                                                          1. Gelatinisation can cause foods to thicken
                                                                            1. The fat melts to make a better texture
                                                                              1. Cheese melts
                                                                              2. Raw dough rises
                                                                                1. foods soften
                                                                                2. To make it look better
                                                                                  1. cooking browns and crisps foods
                                                                                    1. cakes go golden
                                                                                    2. Meats look more tender
                                                                                      1. pastries crisp
                                                                                      2. To improve shelf life
                                                                                        1. Cooking destroys micro-organisms and helps to preserve food
                                                                                        2. Variety in diet with the same nutrients
                                                                                          1. Foods can be cooked and presented in many ways
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