"But it's one thing to play
around with them, so long as
you marry your own kind" p.25
"Italians are not interested in a
lassie that's been out with
anybody else-especially the
Scotch men. They like a girl
that's kept herself for them" p.111
"[Lucia clears things from table, gets
a table cloth and three glasses and
puts them on table; Luigi does not lift
a finger to help" p.158
"You sponged off my sister, you
sponged off me. You even sponged
your daughter's upbringing and now
she's big, you want her married so
you can sponge off her" p.169
Rosinella deals
with the prejudice
towards women by
first accepting it and
telling Franco,
Bridget and Lucia
that it's the way
things are for
women, but later in
the play rejecting it
when it impacts
Lucia. She takes
Lucia back to
Scotland away from
such blatant female