Conflict (Expressions, Reasons, Causes, Main Bodies)


Expressions, Reasons, Causes and the Main Bodies involved in conflict.
Evie Davis
Mind Map by Evie Davis, updated more than 1 year ago
Evie Davis
Created by Evie Davis over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Conflict (Expressions, Reasons, Causes, Main Bodies)
  1. Types/Expressions of conflict
    1. War
      1. Armed conflict between countries or nations (WW1, WW2, Vietnam)
      2. Insurgency
        1. Invading a country using warfare (Iraq, Vietnam)
        2. Peaceful
          1. Conflict without violence, these include protests (green peace, feminism, strikes)
          2. Political activity
            1. Political conflict between two parties trying to achieve power (US elections, BREXIT)
            2. Terrorism
              1. Acts of violence used to induce fear (9/11, Bus bombings, PARIS)
              2. Civil war
                1. Two groups of people fight for power on how a country is governed (DRC, America, Rwanda)
              3. Causes
                1. Identity
                  1. Nationalism
                    1. Localism
                      1. Regionalism
                      2. Ethnicity
                        1. Culture (Norms, Values, Morals)
                          1. Territory
                            1. Ideology
                            2. Geographical Patterns
                              1. International
                                1. National
                                  1. Regional
                                    1. Local
                                      1. Global
                                      2. Reasons for conflict
                                        1. Clash in ideology
                                          1. Resources (water, minerals)
                                            1. Religion
                                              1. Territory
                                                1. Power
                                                  1. Oppression
                                                    1. Crisis
                                                      1. Enviroment
                                                      2. Important Bodies
                                                        1. UN
                                                          1. EU
                                                            1. Council
                                                              1. Government
                                                                1. EAU
                                                                  1. Individuals
                                                                    1. Charities
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