Planet earth


GCSE R.E 2 (Planet earth) Mind Map on Planet earth, created by james.glassey on 04/05/2013.
Mind Map by james.glassey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by james.glassey over 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Planet earth
  1. Origins of life
    1. Scientist
      1. Big bang
      2. Religion
        1. God created in 7 days
          1. Stewardship
            1. Awe and wonder
              1. Awe - Mixed emotions ..respect,wonderauthorityBeautiful landscape...think creator
                1. Wonder - emotion aroused by something astonishing
            2. World problems
              1. Climate change
                1. Global warming
                  1. Pollution
                    1. Noise,air,light,water
                      1. Causes green house gases
                        1. Acid rain
                        2. Natural habitat
                          1. Pollution destroys habitats
                            1. Deforestation
                              1. ruin our benefit and polluting
                                1. rainforest contain plants used for medicines - lost
                                  1. Animals become extinct
                                2. Abuse of natural resources
                                  1. Using greater quantities
                                    1. fossil fuels run out
                                      1. Gives off greenhouse gases
                                      2. Modern living
                                        1. Fast food
                                          1. Organic/free range
                                            1. Landfill
                                          2. Helping
                                            1. Alternative energy
                                              1. Hydro electric
                                                1. Solar power
                                                  1. Wind turbine
                                                  2. Conservation
                                                    1. Protecting an area or species
                                                      1. Nature reserve
                                                  3. Teachings
                                                    1. Christianity
                                                      1. God made world and gave duty of stewardship to humans(Genesis)
                                                        1. The earth is the lord's and everything in it
                                                          1. More than ever,Individually and collectively, people are responsible for the future of plant(Pope John Paul II)
                                                          2. Islam
                                                            1. The world is green and beautiful and Allah has appointed you his stewards over it
                                                              1. It has been created as a place of workship
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