Then the Lord God placed the
man in the Garden of Eden to
cultivate it and guard it. -
Genesis 2:15
God looked at everything
he had made, and he was
very pleased. - Genesis 1:31
The responsibility to be God's stewards and to leave
the earth a better place than they found it means that
Christians should try to reduce pollution and preserve
Christians should show stewardship by working to
share the Earth's resources more fairly and improve
the standard of living in LEDCs.
They will be judged on their
behaviour as stewards
Islam beliefs...
Muslims should show stewardship by working to share the
Earth's resources more fairly and improve the standard of
living in LEDCs.
They will be judged on
their behaviour
Muslims should try
to reduce pollution
and preserve
The threat of pollution
Global warming
Acid Rain
Environment and Creation
Non-religious arguments
Government Action
Science and Technology
Alternative lifestyles
Christian teachings
It must be respected by humans
because it has been made by God
and it is a gift from God.
God created the environment as
something which is good and
sacred therefore Christians have a
duty to preserve the environment.
Some Christians
Believe that Genesis accounts
of creation in 6 days are
scientific fact (creationists).
Many Christians
The earth and everything was made
by God in the way he intended it to
Islam teachings
The universe and everything in it was
created by Allah as a place perfectly
suited for human life.
The whole environment must be respected
because it has been made by Allah as a gift to
Allah has made a unity
and balance increation,
so Muslims have a duty
to preserve the
environment and keep
the balance.
Muslims believe Allah
created the world and
everything in it, so it
was good and sacred
therefore it must be
respected and cared
for by humans.
Medical treatments
Embryo Donation
IVF (In-vitro Fertilization)
AIH (Artificial
insemination by
Non-religious beliefs...
Psychological problems of the surrogate giving up their baby
Children not knowing their
genetic parents if a donor
Christians beliefs...
Roman Catholic
Life is given by God
and that no-one has a
right to children
Other Christians
They allow IVF and AIH
They have major concerns about
embryo technology though. They
feel it leads to problems of identity
and legal problems.
Muslim beliefs...
accept IVF
and AIH
Although Islamic lawyers are also
against embryo technology for
legal and identity reasons.
Transplant surgery
Non-religious beliefs...
Is an effective
method of curing
life-threating or
disabling diseases
Allows people to
help others after
their death
Uses organs that would
otherwise disappear
Brings life out of death
Encourages black market sales
Very expensive
Christians beliefs...
Most Christians agree
with transplant surgery,
but would disagree with
organs being brought
from poor people.
Bible says the poor shouldn't be exploited
organs for
others is a
way of loving
Some Christians agree with
transplant using organs from
living people but not from
dead people.
Transplanting organs from the
dead to the living is 'playing God'
which is a sin
Other Christians
don't agree with
transplant at all and
will not carry a donor
Believes it ignores the sanctity of life
Muslim beliefs...
Some Muslim lawyers have said it is allowed
Islam aims to do good and help people
Shari'ah teaches that nothing should be
removed from the body after death
Qur'an teaches
that only God has
the right to give
and take life
The problem of scare natural resources
Renewable resources
Are those that replace
themselves after they have
been used, they won't die out
so they can be used freely
Non-renewable resources
Those that will run out after they
have been used e.g. oil, gas, coal,
iron and tin.
As the population grows, we increase the
rate in which we use the earth's natural
resources. Which is not good!