Computing key terms (all)


all of the key terms
Louiswhite___ .
Mind Map by Louiswhite___ ., updated more than 1 year ago
Louiswhite___ .
Created by Louiswhite___ . almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Computing key terms (all)
  1. condition
    1. in computing this is either true or false
    2. counter
      1. a device that shows how many times an event or process has occured
      2. instruction
        1. a single action that can be performed by a computer
        2. selection
          1. a decision by a computer based on terms of event
          2. sequence
            1. this is a set of actions that follow one from another
            2. iterartion
              1. this is a single pass through a set of instructions
              2. key word
                1. an important word that will get accurate results
                2. criteria
                  1. A set of rules or conditions that must be met
                  2. serial search
                    1. simple search that looks at each bit of data one by one
                    2. binary search
                      1. a search that halves the data until it is found
                      2. bucket sort
                        1. a sort that puts data into sorted groups
                        2. bubble sort
                          1. a sort that looks at data one by one and swaps them if in the wrong places
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