Case Study


Leaving Certificate LCVP Mind Map on Case Study, created by anamali1996 on 02/04/2014.
Mind Map by anamali1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anamali1996 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Case Study
            1. Tourism
              1. 3 A's of tourism.
                1. Range of facilities.
                  1. Old Abbey
                    1. Golfers - US and UK markets
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                    Geography Unit 1, World at Risk Compulsory Case Study 3 - Impact of climate change on the Arctic region
                    Holly Lovering
                    World at Risk: Disaster hotspots - the Philippines
                    Holly Lovering
                    Geography Unit 1, World at Risk Compulsory Case Study 4 - Impact of climate change on the continent of Africa
                    Holly Lovering
                    Kobe - Japan 1995
                    Geography Unit 1, Going Global Case Study 2 - Transnational Tesco
                    Holly Lovering
                    Geography Unit 1, Going Global Case Study 3 - easyJet
                    Holly Lovering
                    Geography Unit 2, Crowded Coasts Case Study 4 - Benidorm, Spain
                    Holly Lovering
                    Geography Unit 2, Crowded Coasts Case Study 3 - Blackpool, UK
                    Holly Lovering
                    Out of Town Retailing Case Study: The Trafford Centre
                    Thailand population control case study
                    Bangladesh Flood
                    Jono Barnes