My Music Magazine Front Cover Coverline Images


Mind Map on My Music Magazine Front Cover Coverline Images, created by samantha.etridge on 02/04/2014.
Mind Map by samantha.etridge, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by samantha.etridge over 10 years ago

Resource summary

My Music Magazine Front Cover Coverline Images
  1. I chose to use a young looking, teenage model so that the targeted audience could relate to him.
    1. The model looks very natural and relaxed in the image - also something for the target audience to relate to.
      1. The model is wearing a red polo shirt and has got his hair styled in naturally to the side which is seen as quite populer and cool.
        1. I chose to use a young teenage girl in this image because she is relateable for the target audience.
          1. The model has no make-up on, showing that she isn't insecure - this helps the target audience to see her as more of a role model.
            1. The models hair is very natural and she is also dressed very simple which is easy for the target audience to relate to or re-create.
              1. I chose to use clothes that are considered quite fashionable and cool for the advertisement on my cover - the clothes are also affordable.
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