Love in Romeo and Juliet


English Mind Map on Love in Romeo and Juliet, created by Lindis Dixon on 30/11/2016.
Lindis Dixon
Mind Map by Lindis Dixon, updated more than 1 year ago
Lindis Dixon
Created by Lindis Dixon almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Love in Romeo and Juliet
  1. Familial Love
    1. Romeo kills Tybalt because he killed Mercutio
      1. Lady Montague dies of a broken heart after Romeo is exiled
        1. Lord Capulet is intially hesitant for Paris to marry Juliet because he cares about her
          1. Romeo and Juliet's love is betraying the family
            1. Lord Montague is deeply concerned for Romeo, when he is sad at the beginnning of the play
              1. Lord Capulet threatens to disown Juliet when she refuses to marry Paris
                1. The Nurse is Juliet's closest confidant
                  1. The Nurse cares for Juliet as she has known her since she was a baby
                    1. The Families feud results in many of the deaths and issues within the play
                      1. Lady Capulet and Juliet do not have a strong relationship but she is still sadenned by her death
                        1. Romeo does not fight Tybalt (Intially) because they are kinsmen
                          1. Due to the loss of Romeo and Juliet the feud ends
                          2. Romantic Love
                            1. Romeo and Juliet dies for each other
                              1. Romeo is infatuated with Rosaline
                                1. Juliet is pressured into marrying Paris
                                  1. Both Romeo and Juliet initially struggles with their feeling due to their family loyalties
                                  2. Love in marriage is unimportant adnd women should focus on consumating the marriage and having children, whereas men should earn money
                                    1. Love is closely linked with fate, which reinforces the idea of soulmates
                                      1. Do not marry for love marry for status
                                        1. Romeo is a 'Petrachan Lover' to reinforce the theme of love
                                          1. Love allow Juliet to mature from a girl to a woman and Romeo to become less impulsive and immature
                                            1. Love is always associated with hate
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