Functions of Bone


Arianna Arabpour
Mind Map by Arianna Arabpour, updated more than 1 year ago
Arianna Arabpour
Created by Arianna Arabpour almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Functions of Bone
  1. supports and protects organs
    1. cranial and thoracic cavity (brain and lungs)
      1. bones of limbs help support weight
      2. allows for attachment points for muscles (for movement)
        1. constantly broken down and reformed
          1. bone remodeling
            1. keeps bone tissue strong
          2. formation of blood cells (red, white, platelets)
            1. called hematopoiesis
              1. occurs in red bone marrow (also in liver and spleen)
                1. red due to the presence of hemoglobin (pigment that carries oxygen)
                2. storage of energy
                  1. yellow bone marrow stores lipid fats
                    1. replaces red bone marrow as children age
                  2. storage of inorganic salts
                    1. mainly Ca & P
                      1. maintain metabolic functions
                        1. muscle contractions and action potentials
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