Bone Classification


Bone shape and location
Arianna Arabpour
Mind Map by Arianna Arabpour, updated more than 1 year ago
Arianna Arabpour
Created by Arianna Arabpour almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Bone Classification
  1. long bones
    1. greater in length than width
      1. distributes stress on bone from weight by being slightly curved
        1. location: arms, legs, fingers, toes, forearms
        2. short bones
          1. have lengths and widths that are roughly equal
            1. usually cube-like
              1. location: wrist and ankle
              2. irregular bones
                1. variety of shapes
                  1. usually are connected to other bones
                    1. location: vertebrae and facial bones
                    2. flat bones
                      1. plate-like structures, thin
                        1. usually areas for muscle attachment
                          1. location: cranium, sternum, ribs, scapula
                          2. sesamoid bones
                            1. small bones that are embedded with tendons next to joints
                              1. location: patella
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