Internal growth results from city dwellers having high birth rates
Rural- Urban migration - Most of those who move from the countryside to cities are young, fertile people who therefore cause a high birth rate within cities
Internal growth accounts for 60% of urban population growth and migration around 30%
The poorest areas of the world have the fastest urban growth rates
Some cities can grow at rates of 6-8% per year, with much of the growth consisting of slums
The population living in developing world slums is likely to reach 1.3-1.4 billion by 2020
Many rural-urban
migrants are well
informed about the
city to which they are
Extended family of friends may have
organised jobs for the migrants
The majority who move are
young and relatively well skilled
Who are the rural-urban
migrants - Mexico city
A study of migrants to Mexico city between 1995 and
2000, found that in-migrants numbered 521,000.
Out-migration slightly exceeded this, so the city's
population growth of 1.4% per year was a result
of internal growth
The majority of
migrants come
from poor farming
states close to
and south of
Mexico City
Many of these are
young women
(average age 22),
escaping rural poverty
and seeking low-skill
domestic work in
Mexico City
These migrants are better
educated than the
population in general, having
had 8-9 years in school
compared to the national
average of 7.6 years
There is large
out-migration from Mexico
city, but this is migration
to the sprawling fringes of
the city, in other states,
so actually represents
Many of Asia's cities are centres of wealth,
many of Africa's are desperately poor
Some migrants may
be young, skilled and
others may be older,
poorer and perhaps
forced to migrate
Urban Process
Urban growth refers to the
growth in the physical size of
a city
Urban sprawl occurs when urban
areas grow outwards, usually in
an uncontrolled way, on to
surrounding rural land
In the developing world this often results from illegal slum growth
In developing cities, suburbanisation
occurs when the wealthy choose t live on
the city edge to escape poverty, crime,
congestion and pollution of the city centre
A modern trend is for new suburbs
to be gated, with walls, gates and
security to keep non-residents out.
This is common in Latin America
and South African cities
Counter-urbanisation refers to the movement of people out of cities and into rural areas
Counter-urbanisation is mainly a developed world process, but
the very rich in the developing world may also counter-urbanise
Reurbanisation may follow attempts to regenerate areas of cities that have declined
Reurbanisation is a developed world trend beginning to occur in
Asian cities
Some cities
may be
because of
others by
Many Asian cities are beginning
to plan their growth, whereas in
Africa planning is prevented by
poverty and lack of planers
The rate of population growth
varies from around 2-4% per year
for Latin American cities, to 4-8%
for some African and Asian cities
Different urban processes are
occurring in different cities
China's fourth
of the
Key inland
port on the
Many of China's 8.5 million
annual rural-urban migrants
head to cities like Chonqing
Chongqing city contains 4.1
million people, but the wider
municipality (urban area)
housed 31.5 million in 2005
Over 1,300 rural-urban migrants arrive every day.
The urban economy
grows by £7 million
per day
Total population is
growing by around
500,000 per year
130,000 m sq.
of new
buildings are
Average income rose
by 66% between
2000 and 2005, to to
£750 per year, almost
three times the rural
Urbanisation stages
Very rapid growth - 3% per year
Largely migration growth
Informal economy = 60%
Small-scale manufacturing, street trading and urban farming
Little planning
Uncontrolled urban sprawl
Squatter settlements dominate
Basic needs
barely met
60%+ live in slums
Environmental problems
Rapid growth - 1-3% per year
Balance of migration and internal growth
Manufacturing is important
Some service industries
Informal economy = 50%
Urbanisation and Suburbanisation
Attempts at planning
Focused on waste, congestion and water supply
Upgrading of
slums and some
social housing
Slow growth - Under 2% per year
Largely internal growth
Service industry dominates with
some manufacturing
Informal economy under 40%
Effective attempts at housing, transport and land use planning
Environmental problems being tackled
Quality of life satisfactory for many
Gated communities in suburbs
Mexico City
Very slow growth - Under 1% per yer
Some are stable
Dominated by professional, services and retail
Formal economy
Counter-urbanisation and reurbanisation
Large scale suburbanisation with counter-urbanisation
Since 1980, most have regenerated inner-city and former industrial area
Quality of life is high for most
Environmental quality is good
San Francisco
Megacities are cities with population of 10 million +
World cities are city's with major economic and
political power
Political influence, e.g. New York is home to the United
Transport and communications, e.g.
Heathrow in London has more international
passengers than any other airport
Economic power, e.g. The presence of stock
exchanges and the headquarters of major TNCs
Growing cities in poorer
countries can be
unsustainable for several
Lack of adequate housing - due to
rapid growth, poverty and lack of
Poor health - linked to lack of water,
sanitation and medical facilities
Weak urban governance -
a lack of will, combined with
a lack of resources, makes
change difficult
Low environmental quality -
resulting from poor transport
infrastructure, lack of waste
systems and industrial pollution
Poverty - resulting from low
wages and underemployment
Improving slum housing
Poor, unhealthy slum dwellers have
a low capacity for work, and huge
slum areas deter inward investment.
Improving slums is an important
step in making cities more socially
and environmentally sustainable
Eviction - The UN estimates that 6.7 million people were evicted from slums in 2000-02
Security of tenure - The UN suggests that 30-50% of people in developing cities
have no legal right to occupy the land they inhabit. Tenure grants them that right
Site and service - It is possible to set out roads, sewers and water
connections before slums develop. Low-income people move into
these areas and construct their homes on prepared sites
Consolidation - Residents
gradually improve their homes
Aided self help - Local councils and NGOs provide building
materials and training to help communities improve conditions
Social housing -
new homes are built
and slums