A brief summary of the context behind Marlowe's play Doctor Faustus including the Great Chain of Being, Papal corruption, John Georg Faust and the Protestant Reformation.
"return an old Franciscan
frian;/That holy shape becomes
the devil best".
During the 16th century the church was renowned for its corruption e.g
Leo X was criticised for "unworthy pursuits". One biographer said Leo was
"engrossed in idle and selfish amusements" such as masquerades and
Sounds a lot like Marlowe's protagonist.
The Protestant Reformation
begun in 1517, with Martin
Luther's 95 Theses. It was not
until 1570 that it could be said
that the reformation ended.
Faustus is said to be inspired
by Johann Georg Faust, an
alchemist and magician during
the German Renaissance.
He allegedly died in a
horrific alchemical
experiment. His body
was reportedly
"grievously mutilated".
The Great Chain of Being was an idea that
everything in the universe had its 'place' in a
divinely planned hierarchy. Some Renaissance
writers explored the role of the Pope and were
fascinated by the thought of going beyond the
boundaries set by the chain of being.