Positive changes of globalisation include the rise of the new 'Tiger' economies, including China and India
In these countries (NICs), a growing number of individuals enjoy significantly higher incomes and purchasing power parity
South Korea was one of the first Asian nations to experience rapid industrial growth
During the 1960s, foreign investors began working with local firms called chaebols
South Korea is a member of the OECD and has the world's 11th largest economy
Unable to maintain a competitive manufacturing sector due to
high labour and land costs, the UK has striven to develop a
post-industrial economy in order to remain globally competitive
More people in the UK now work in the service and quaternary sectors.
These kinds of
employment tend to
provide greater
disposable income,
bringing improved
diet, healthcare and
Globalisation brings
negatives too. The
economies of cities like
Sheffield (steel),
Manchester (textiles) and
Liverpool (chemicals and
machine assembly)
entered a period of marked
decline during the 1980s
Deindustrialisation meant that some of those who lost their jobs never returened to full-time employment
Serious social problems developed in inner
cities, taking the form of a spiral of deprivation
Globalisation is responsible for the
growth of a two-speed world
Global billionaire wealth is at an all time high, and is on the rise in Asia,
where two of the world's ten richest people live. Yet high numbers of people
still live in poverty in nations such as India, China, Indonesia and Bangladesh
Globalisation has
widened the gap
between rich and poor
The wealthiest 1% of people in the world
receive as much income as the bottom 57%
Two-Speed India
By 2040 India is expected to be the second largest economy in the world
India has become an attractive site for TNCs to set up factories and more recently offices and call centres
Indian entrepreneurs are learning to make globalisation work to their advantage
The gap between rich and poor has widened sharply
1.1 billion people, as
many as one-third still
live in absolute poverty
Around 375 million people live in urban
slums or poor and isolated rural regions
Levels of pay
for agriculture
and factory
workers are as
low as $1 a day
Home to 32 billionaires
Dharavi slum in Mumbai is home to some of the poorest people in Asia
600,000 people
are crammed into
just 1 sq. mile of
land in Dharvai