Intense fandom


Mind Map on Intense fandom, created by xavier17 on 06/05/2013.
Mind Map by xavier17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by xavier17 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Intense fandom
  1. Celebrity stalking
    1. Willful, malicious & repeated following/harassing that threatens someone's safety
      1. Pathe & Mullen
        1. Effects of stalking include anxiety and suicidal thoughts
        2. Celebrity Stalking Scale - 11 item Likert scale free from SD bias. 2 sub scales: persistent pursuit and threat
          1. Meloy
            1. 3 types of victim: prior sexual intimates, prior acquaintances, strangers
            2. Keinlen
              1. Disturbed attachment & research loss linked to stalking. Victims want to compensate for loss
              2. Cyber stalking
                1. Finn
                  1. Allows anonymity & behaviour that the stalker may not be brace enough to do face-to-face
                2. General evaluation
                  1. Practical application if we can develop suitable therapy (e.g. drugs, psychotherapy)
                    1. Psychopathic celeb stalkers are resistant to treatment. Stalking = complex/not unitary
                  2. Celebrity worship
                    1. Malty's Celebrity Attitude Scale (Likert)
                      1. Entertainment-social factor (fan club), intense-personal factor (shrine), borderline-psychological (fantasies)
                        1. McCutcheon
                          1. Findings suggest that CW is on a sliding scale rather than distinct catagories
                            1. Negative correlation between education & worship - more intelligent people see through the celebrity cult BUT correlation?
                            2. The difference is that the first two are passive. Only <1% = psychological
                            3. Gabriel
                              1. Students completed question on self-esteem then wrote essay about celebrity. Those with low self-esteem had higher score
                              2. General evaluation
                                1. Giles & Maltby
                                  1. Is it the celebrity themselves or the status of the celeb that is worshipped?
                                  2. West & Sweeting
                                    1. Practical application: CW teaching in schools
                                    2. Kennedy
                                      1. Suggests genetic link - but nature or nurture?
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