Canada's Diversity


by : mithuraa seathupathie
Mithuraa Seathupathie
Mind Map by Mithuraa Seathupathie, updated more than 1 year ago
Mithuraa Seathupathie
Created by Mithuraa Seathupathie almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Canada's Diversity
  1. Physical Environment
    1. SOIL
      1. Some landforms have more rich soil than others
        1. In the Artic, the soil is permafrost, but in the Interior Plains, sedimentary materials provide fertile soil for farming. Farming can also help reduce your ecological footprint.
          1. Having rich soil in your regions means that you can have fertile soil for farming. Without rich soil, you can't farm meaning you can't grow fresh crops, to reduce your ecological footprint and the agriculture industry wouldn't be contributing much money to Canada's economy.
            1. In the picture to the left, purple represents Regosolic soil whcih means weakly developed mineral soil. Which as you can see is most of upper Canada.
          2. CLIMATE
            1. Each landform and climate region has different climate.
              1. For example, in the Lowlands and Innuitans (Artic), the climate is very cold and windy which is why only small plants survive because the soil is permafrost.
                1. Some people can't adapt to specific types of climate. Some of the immigrating population will not want to live in a region where the climate is usually cold. This means that there will be a bigger population density in an area like Toronto then in Nunavut.
              2. LANDFORMS
                1. Each landform regions has different environmental characteristics.
                  1. In the Western Cordillera, there are deep valleys, and coastal islands while on the opposite side, the Applachian Mountains contain mountains, higlands, lowlands and plains. And up, north, there are snow and glaciers while having igneous rock underneath.
                    1. Physical characteristics of each region will determine the activities that are available. National parks up north will have skiing, but a National Park in Tornoto will have more to offer for kids so more of the population will want to live in areas like those.
                2. Managing Canada's Resources
                  1. NATURAL RESOURCES
                    1. There are major industries and resources in Canada that help contribute to the economy
                      1. Fishing, Mining, Lumber, Oil, Agriculture, and Water are the main industries of Canada. These industries can only be found in some areas due to how the land was formed.
                        1. The east and west coast cod fishery collapsed, and this had affected Canada econmically and socially because the some countries that came here to fish can't come anymore. We can't overfish or use over-devloped technology.
                          1. These industries also affect population because for example, the James Bay project. They destroyed many aborginals' homes. Aboroginals are important to Canada's culture. Also many people living near these projects move elsewhere because of noise-pollution.
                            1. The picture to the right explains that Canada's resources are a huge benefit for the word.
                          2. SUSTAINING RESOURCES
                            1. Some of the resources in Canada are not renewable but we can sustain them.
                              1. Forestry contributes alot of money to the economy, and because it's renewable it will continue to contribute. But that doesn't mean we can plant trees everywhere. We have to plant trees in fertile soil which some regions in Canada don't have.
                                1. We need trees for oxegen and water to live so we can't waste and misuse them.
                                  1. There are different ways of sustaining our resources for the future. We can create water-purifying devices, fishing devices that time how much fish you catch and etc.
                              2. Study of Population
                                1. URBANIZATION
                                  1. There are different types of Urban Sprawls across Canada.
                                    1. Looking at 40 years of Canada's urban devlopement on the left, you can see that the type of urban sprawl in Toronto is mostly linear. Toronto is just one example of urban sprawls in Canada.
                                  2. DENSITY
                                    1. From the coat to coast of Canada, each region has a different population density.
                                      1. In areas, where the population density is high, there will be more pollution increasing our ecological footprint.
                                        1. If the population density is high, it means that there is alot of people living in a kilometer squared. This also menas that there are going to be more cars, buses, an public trnsportation that will emit carbon into the air which is harmful to the environment.
                                      2. DISTRIBUTION
                                        1. Each region has a different population distribution.
                                          1. The population distribution up north is more scattered than in down south, it's very clustered. As you can see in the picture to the right, it shows the distrubution of Canada's population from Coast to Coast. Most of the population lives along the border between Canada and the U.S.
                                            1. In more populated areas, there would be more urban devolopment, because more people like to live an urban area where there are zone of influcences and CBD'S. More people means more jobs .
                                              1. In rural areas, the population distribution won't have a clustered pattern, it would be more of a scattered distribution.
                                              2. Baby Boomers
                                                1. In the era of the baby boomers, the population distribution would've been scattered because all of a sudden, there were many babies being born. This also meant that now most of them are around 50-69 so we depend on them. The chart to the left shows the number of people the age of 15 and under and over 64.
                                            2. Stewardship
                                              1. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT
                                                1. Canada has more inhabitable land then people, and Canadains use alot of energy so we need to reduce our ecolgical footprint
                                                  1. We can reduce our ecological footprint in many ways such as farming, using less water, and sustaining the environment.
                                                    1. For example, instead of driving to buy groceries, you can grow your own crops, but depending on the region you live in, you will need fertile soil and some regions in Canada don't have that due to climate.
                                                      1. As seen, on the table below, Canada has one of the lowest population but has on the biggest ecological fotprint.
                                                    2. SUSTAINABILITY/LIVEABLITY
                                                      1. There are many reasons for Canada'c economic state and most of it comes from our resources and environment.
                                                        1. If we don't sustain our resources , Canada's economy will drop. After the Alberta Oil Sands , we need to find another source for Oil because the U.S depends on us for Oil.
                                                          1. We need alot of things in a comunity to live, water, food, health, education, jobs and etc. So we must sustain our environment to meet the needs of every human,
                                                      2. Canada's diverse because of it's landforms and cliamte regions
                                                        1. Canada's diverse because each regions has a different population distribution/density.
                                                          1. Diverse because of our ecological footprints.
                                                            1. Diverse because of each of Canada's resource and impact on the society and economy.
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