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Authentic Assessment: I've got a few questions.
A look at the various forms of authentic assessment and how they can be applied in an ESL classroom
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authentic assessment
esl methods
Mind Map by
Emily Arrington
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
about 9 years ago
Copied by
Emily Arrington
about 8 years ago
Resource summary
Authentic Assessment: I've got a few questions.
What is Authentic Assessment?
Incorporate real-life situations
Connects knowledge & application
On-going assessments
Students perform a task
How to do you create an AA?
Develop a rubric
Select Authentic Tasks
Identify Criteria.
List Standards
How can you access content knowledge with ELL's
Challenge students with content knowledge activities
Playing games
Use content area progress forms
Differentiated Scoring
Scaffolding assessments
Why use AA?
Provides direct evidence of skill.
Helps students construct meaning about what they're learning
Integrates teaching, learning, and assessment
Allows for variety in student demonstration
How are Portfolios effective for ELL's?
Teacher provides descriptions of student accomplishments
Provide formal test data, checklists, and ratings sheets
Records oral work
Offers picrepresenting content knowledge
tapes of oral language
Written student work
Performance on oral tasks
Why use performance based assessments with ELL's
based on classroom instruction & everyday tasks
assess language proficiency and content knowledge
Includes process & product
Try to assess no more than three items at a time
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