
Mind Map on INSTITUTIONS, created by Joshua Moneч on 15/04/2014.
Joshua Moneч
Mind Map by Joshua Moneч, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Moneч
Created by Joshua Moneч over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The European Parliament
      1. Directly Elected every 5 years. (represents the people)
        1. Total of 736 MEPS from all member states. Number of MEPS to a state depends on population E.g. Germany has most - 99. Malta has least - 5
      2. ROLE
        1. Debating and passing EU Law alongside the Council
          1. Art 294
            1. Co - Decision procedure. Joint decision between Council of Ministers & the Parliament. Both are Equal. Lack of agreement will result in Conciliation Committee to negotiate compromise.
            2. Art 289
              1. Either a decision of the Parliament alongside Council of Ministers (a joint decision)
                1. Or a decision of the Council of Ministers with the Parliament (Parliament has right to be consulted but decision is taken by the Council of Ministers)
              2. Keeps other institutions in check, specifically the Commision
                1. Has the right to approve the appointment of the President of the Commission & the Commissioners ART 17(7) TEU)
                  1. Commission is obliged to answer the Parliaments questions. Also has to produce a general report, which is discussed by the Parliament. Art 230 TFEU
                  2. Council of Ministers must report 3 times a year to Parliament
                    1. And the President reports to the Parliament at the beginning of the year
                  3. Debating and adapting the budget alongside the Council
                    1. Adopts the budget alongside the Council of the EU
                      1. Parliament has a committee that monitors how budget is spent. Also passes a annual judgement of the commissions handling of the previous years budget.
                    2. Keeps Council of Ministers in check,
                    3. The Council of the European Union (the Council of Ministers)
                      1. COMPOSITION
                        1. Will be a minister representing each state, however minister varies depending on the subject matter being discussed.
                          1. Presidency of the Council of Ministers
                            1. Each of the subject matters has a member state in charge with the exception of the Foreign Affairs. These will be rotated every 6 months Art 16(6) TEU
                          2. ROLE
                            1. Art 16 (1) TEU
                              1. Shares legislative powers with the Parliament - Co Decision etc.
                                1. Co-ordination of the economic polices of member states. ~Every year it drafts guidelines for the economic policies of member states. These are then made into a recommendation, and then implemented by member states, supervised by the council
                                  1. VOTING SYSTEM
                                    1. ART 205 TFEU
                                      1. Qualified Majority Voting (QMV) Normally a two-thirds majority required for a measure to be approved.
                                        1. Unanimous - Required for issues such as common foreign and security policy, taxation, asylum and immigration.Member States effectively have a veto on issues, especially where vital national interests were at stake. Potentially damaging to the development of the EU.
                                    2. European Commision
                                      1. ROLE
                                        1. Legislation - Drafts proposals to the European Parliament and the Council
                                          1. LAW ENFORCEMENT - Guardian' of the Treaties - ensures MSs adhere to obligation of compliance (Art 4 TEU); Union law is being applied properly; deals with breaches through Art 226 proceedings.
                                            1. Face of the Eu - International Representation
                                            2. Composition - One from each member state, each commisioner will represent a different area of the commissions business
                                              1. Art 244-50
                                              2. European Council
                                                1. ROLE - Provide the union with the necessary impetus for development and to define general political guidelines Art 15 TEU
                                                  1. Arts 235-6 TFEU
                                                    1. Shall NOT exercise legislative functions
                                                      1. Art 15(6) TEU Lists the president of the council and his tasks.
                                                      2. The Court of Justice of the European Union CJEU
                                                        1. Art 251-281 TFEU
                                                          1. Art 258 - Infringement proceedings against member states
                                                            1. Art 263 TFEU - Action against Institutions for exceeding powers
                                                              1. Art 265 TFEU - Action against institutions for failure to act
                                                                1. Art 267 TFEU - Preliminary referecnes from Member state courts as to interpretations of Treaty articles
                                                                  1. ROLE - To ensure that the law of the Treaties is correctly observed
                                                                    1. Composition - 1 Judge-Rapporteur for each member state, plus 8 advocate generals. Each appointed for 6 Years/
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