4.Stresemann - success and shortcomings


History (Germany) Mind Map on 4.Stresemann - success and shortcomings, created by tasnimkhan on 15/04/2014.
Mind Map by tasnimkhan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tasnimkhan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

4.Stresemann - success and shortcomings
    1. Success
      1. currency changed
        1. Rentenmark
        2. he was Chancellor of every government from 1923-29
          1. Being a right-winger brought him more support more skilful than Ebert
            1. built up Germany's prosperity
              1. increased reparation time
                1. 1928 - regained position as 2nd biggest Industrial Power in the world - built up prosperity
                  1. big businesses gained
                    1. welfare benefits and wages increased
                    2. Shortcomings
                      1. US loans could be called in anytime and ruin Germany
                        1. unemployment - he couldnt solve it
                          1. peasant farmers increased production but no demand this was bad bc they had mortgages to pay
                            1. small shop owners were threatned by large department stores owned by Jews
                              1. many didn't see point of Weimar government except rich land owners
                                1. only land owners did well everyone else felt Weimar offered them little
                              2. Culture
                                1. Success
                                  1. Weimar allowed free expression of ideas
                                    1. cultural revival
                                    2. writers and poets flourished
                                      1. new style
                                        1. new beginnings
                                        2. shortcomings
                                          1. moral decline in towns and cities, jews and americans making it worse by bringing their cultures and beliefs
                                            1. jews lending money to help people thought jews had too much money
                                            2. Wandervogel wanted simple values back and therefore opposed
                                              1. wanted help in countryside
                                                1. organisations like this arose
                                                2. Bauhaus forced out of Weimar
                                              2. POLITICS
                                                1. success
                                                  1. more stable period
                                                    1. no more attempted revolutions
                                                      1. parties co-operated in revelation
                                                      2. Shortcomings
                                                        1. still 4 diff Chancellors
                                                          1. 30% went to parties against Weimar
                                                            1. Right - Wing organisations were still a threat
                                                              1. quiet not destroyed
                                                            2. Nazi's seeming more respectful
                                                              1. Hindenburg elected in 1926 but was against democracy
                                                                1. only influence of party leaders holding coalitions together
                                                                  1. government suffered poverty from having debts
                                                                2. Foreign Policy
                                                                  1. Success
                                                                    1. 1925 - Locarno Germany borders not to be changed
                                                                      1. 1929 - ToV terms negotiated
                                                                        1. removal of troops from the Rhineland
                                                                          1. 1929 - Young Plan - reparations final agreement
                                                                            1. 1924 Dawes Plan 800m mark loan
                                                                            2. Shortcomings
                                                                              1. Nationalists attacked Stresemann for joining LoN after Locarno pact - seen as an acceptance to ToV
                                                                                1. Locarno guaranteed (wouldnt change) Germany's frontiers with Belgium&France
                                                                                  1. Communists attacked Locarno bc plot against communism regime
                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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