The Odyssey


The Odyessy Mind Map on The Odyssey, created by Redpath on 08/05/2013.
Mind Map by Redpath, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Redpath over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Odyssey
  1. Book 1
    1. charaters


      • Odysseus Calypso Penelope Telemachus Athena disgusied as Mentes Bard Antinous Eurymachus
      1. Events


        • -Odysseus is stuck on Calypso's island Ogygia 10 years after the Trojan war -Athena travels to Telemachus disgusied as Mentes -She predicts that Odysseus is still alive and will return. She then tells Telemachus to gather the suitors to announce their banishment from the estate. Then she tells him he must travel to Pylos and Sparta to seek any news of his father. -Telemachus sees Penelope upset about a song that the Bard is singing which is about the Trojan war. Telemachus tells her that if she does not like it she can go to her room, which she does. -The next day Telemachus gathers the suitors and orders them to leave the estate. -Antinous and Eurymachus refuse strongly and asks about the visitor.
      2. Book 2
        1. Charaters


          • Telemachus Aegyptius Antinous Penelope Athena as Mentor Eurycleia
          1. Events


            • -The assembly meets (containing the elders of Ithaca) -Aegyptius a wise elder speaks about how happy he is to see Telemachus step into his fathers shoes. He also states that this is the first time that the assembly has met since Odysseus has left. -Telemachus gives a passiont speech about how he lamets about the distruction of his fathers estate by the suitors -Anthinous blames Penelope by saying that she seduces every suitor but never commits to any of them. -Penelope states that she will choose a husband once she has finished weaving a burial shourd for her eldery father Laertes, but each night she un-weaved the shroud so that she would never has to choose a suitor. -Antinous says that if Penelope can't choose a suitor she should be sent back to lcarius, but Telemachus refuses and asks the Gods to punish the suitors. -at this point a pair of eagles are locked in combat appaere overhead. this is imterprated as an omen for Odyesseus's arrivail and death to the suitors who are here when he arrives. -Athena meets with Telemauchs again disgused as Mentor and encourages him and promises that his trip with be "Fruitful". -Telemachus only tells Eurycleia about his journey as he worries that is might upset Penelope.
        2. Book 3
          1. Charaters


            • Telemachus Athena disgused as Mentor Nestor (speaks about Menelaus, Agamenom, Clytemnestra, Aegisthus and Orestes) Pisistratus
            1. Events


              • -At Pylos, Telemachus and Mentor (Athena in disguise) witness an impressive religious ceremony in which dozens of bulls are sacrificed to Poseidon -Telemachus asks Nestor (King of Pylos) about Odysseus's return He says that he has none -Nestor recounters the fall of Troy and remebers an argument between Agamemnon and Menelaus. Menelaus sailed to Greece immediaty while Agamemnon stayed for anther day to make sacrifices to the Gods, Odysseus went with Agamemnon. -He adds that he has heard that the suitors have taken over the estate and hopes Telemachus will achive to reown his estate just like Orestes, son of Agamemnon. -Telemachus then asks about Agamemnon's fate, Nestor tells what happened. -Nestor sends his own son Pisistrtus to accompany Telemachus on his jounery to Sparta. -Athena shows off by shedding from Mentor into an Eagle
          2. Book 4
            1. Charaters


              • Menelaus (Talks about Agamemnon, Ajax, Proteus, Odysseus, Calpyso) Helen (talks about Odysseus) Pisistratus Telemachus Suitors The herald, Medon Penelope Phantom of Iphthime (Penelope's sister) (send by Athena)
              1. Events


                • -In Sparta, the king and queen, Menelaus and Helen, are celebrating the separate marriages of their son and daughter -Helen immediately recognizes Telemachus as the spitting image of Odysseus. -As they feast Helen and Menelaus both tell stories of Troy -(recalls Odysseus's cunning) Helen recalls how Odysseus dressed himself up as a beggar to infilltrate the walls of Troy as well as when they where in the Trojan horse she kept doing impersnations of the soilders wifes. -Helen sees that Telemachus is getting upset about hearing the tales of Troy so she puts a happy drug from Egyipt in his and Menelaus drink -Menelaus recalls the time of Odysseus's cunning as his invention of the Trojan horse -The next day Menelaus tells the story of his return from troy. He was stranded in Egypt so he was forced to capture Proteus, the divine Old man of the sea who can shape shift. Proteus told him the way back to Sparta and told the fates of Agamemnon and Ajax. -Proteus then told him that Odysseus is alive but imprisoned by Calypso on her island. -Telemachus and Pisistratus then set sail to Pylos for Ithaca -At the house of Odysseus the suitors learn of Telemachus jouney and plot to kill him. The hearld Medon, hears of thire plan and warns Penelope -She becomes distraught at the fact that she might loose him as well as Odysseus -Athena send a Phantom of Penelope’s sister, Iphthime to tell her that Athena will protect Telemachus
            2. Book 5
              1. Charaters


                • Athena Zeus Hermes Calypso Odyesseus Poseidon Ino
                1. Events
              2. Book 6
                1. Charaters


                  • Nausicaa (Talks about Arete) Athena
                  1. Events


                    • -That night Athena appears in Nausicaa's dream disguised as her friend. She says that she has to go to the river tomorrow morning to wash her clothes so that she will look even more better for the boys that see her. -The next morning Nausicaa goes to the river naked with her maid servants to wash her clothes. When Odysseus wakes up in the forests he sees them, naked himself he begs for there help (suplent) he does this all without revealing his identity. Nausicaa leaves him to wash all the dirt and mud off him. Athena makes him look especially handsome so Nausicaa falls in love with him. She gives him directions for the palace and advice on how to approach Arete queen of the Phawacains, With a prayer to Athena for hospitality from the Phaeacians, Odysseus sets out for the palace.
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