Symptoms : Worry often about things like performance and are aware that they
worry a lot have trouble relaxing, concentrating and sleeping Feel quickly tired all
the time unexplained aches and pains Have a hard time swallowing nervous ticks
irritable or feel “on edge” n Sweat a lot, feel light-headed, or out of breath Have to
go to the bathroom a lot Their performance,
Definition: GAD is defined as persistent and excessive
worry about specific things
Treatment: It can be treated with psychotherapy and
Panic Disorder
Treatment: Psychotherapy
Symptoms include: Sudden feelings of
being out of control during a panic attack
Intense worries about when the next
attack will happen Fear or avoidance of
places where panic attacks have
occurred in the past
Definition: Panic Disorder is sudden
and recurrent unexpected panic
attacks, Of intense fear, heart
problems smothering, or choking, and
feeling of impending doom.
Social Anxiety Disorder
People with social anxiety disorder have a marked
fear of social or performance situations in which
they expect to feel embarrassed, judged, rejected,
or fearful of offending others.
Symtoms: situations in which they expect to feel embarrassed,
judged, rejected, or fearful of offending others
Symptoms: Excessive cleaning, organizing
precisely, repeatedly checking on things,
compulsive counting, fear of germs,
unwanted forbidden or taboo thoughts
involving sex, religion, and Aggressive
thoughts towards others or themselves, and
wanting things in a symmetrical or perfect
Treatments: psychotherapy, CBT, stress
relief techniques, self-help/ support
groups, and medication.
Definition: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common,
chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has
uncontrollable, reoccurring compulsions that they feel the urge to
repeat over and over.
Definiton: an extreme or irrational
fear of or aversion to something.
sweating, trembling, hot flushes or chills, shortness of
breath or difficulty breathing, a choking sensation, rapid
heartbeat (tachycardia) pain or tightness in the chest, a
sensation of butterflies in the stomach.
Treatment: Psychotherapy
also associated with
agrophobia (the fear of
being in tight spaces).