

grammar mindmap
Mind Map by marindafoster, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marindafoster almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Nouns - identify objects or people
    1. proper
      1. special place/people start with capital letter
      2. common
        1. names of objects
        2. collective
          1. things that can be counted singulary - plural by adding "s"
          2. uncountable
            1. mass nouns - money, hair, accommodation
            2. compound
              1. nouns combined to identify one object address book, living room, show business
            3. Pronouns - refer to nouns whiteout repeating things
              1. personal
                1. refers to oneself, other people or things I, we, they me, us, you
                2. possesive
                  1. identify objects or people that belong to someone mine, ours
                  2. reflective
                    1. refers back to the subject of an action myself, himself, herself
                  3. subjects
                    1. persons or things which does the action
                    2. objects
                      1. direct persons or things that the actions affect directly
                        1. indirect - things or persons which are affected by both subject and direct object
                        2. adjectives - describes people or things
                          1. colour
                            1. classifying- industrial, official
                              1. qualitative - big, happy/graded to demonstrate variable levels of quality
                                1. comparative - compare qualities: smaller, prettier
                                  1. superlative - express the limit - cleanest, smartest
                                  2. Verbs - express action or state of noun
                                    1. regular
                                      1. same ending in common
                                      2. irregular
                                        1. irregular endings
                                        2. auxilliary modal
                                          1. helps main verb and express the mood of the sentence - can, will, shall
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